It is 11 in the morning... we have had an exhausting football practise session... as I open the car door I hear Ishima... "ADITYA RAMAN KUMAR BHALLA... Don't you dare sit in the car before changing your shirt... you are stinking like a pig and I refuse to let you sit on the leather seats like this... and wipe all the sweat from your face... you know Ruhi hates it"... just as I take my shirt and walk towards the changing room Ishima moves forward and kisses me on the head... she is crazy... I mean I am too stinky and sweaty to sit in the car but not for her to hug and kiss me... the first time this happened I asked her the same... she said that a son is always perfect for his mom... and that is the reason we do this every day... I make sure that she sees me as I open the car door and she yells at me...

We drop Ruhi and Shravu at his place and are on the way home when Ishima get a call... from the look on her face I know that it is and emergency... so we both got to the clinic... I greet everyone by name as I make my way to the cosy corner in the waiting room... I open the rack next to the recliner to see my favourite comics and Harry Potter books... I always liked reading but my old friends thought that I was a nerd... so I hid it from them... but with Ishima I have found a book reading partner... we spend hours discussing books... I think Papa is a little jealous... he read the whole Harry Potter series so that he could be a part of our discussions... today I choose a comic and sit back to read...

An hour later, the peon gives me my favourite sandwich and milkshake... even while attending a patient she still takes care of me... I smile and thank him... as I munch my sandwich I hear someone take Ishima's name... Some ladies waiting for their appointment... they are discussing about the accident... why can't these people leave her alone... leave us alone... why do they have to worry about us... why don't they understand that we don't care about not being related by blood... that I am Her son and She is my mother... period... it does not matter how... why... when. I hate it when they do this... I am not able to control myself when they begin to pity her... I turn towards them and speak with utmost control... "Excuse me Aunty... Dr. Ishita Bhalla is my mother... and if you want proof... here I am... I am her son... she also has a daughter... Ruhi... Her children attest to the fact... her husband attests to the fact... so I think you should worry about yourself... not for my mother... because we love her enough to take care of her... and also to protect her..."

I turn back to see Ishima standing there... Damn... this is not good... oh she is not going to say anything to me right now... she is going to cry... then hug me... then cry some more... and then she is going to tell Papa everything... and going to be really happy for some time... till she gets back to her "Mommy Mode"... that means that I am going to get a lecture... and it is going to be really long and boring... I hope Papa reaches home early today... because all Ruhi does is nod her head when Ishima is in her lecture mode... only Papa can stop her... so I cross my fingers, bend my head... and mumble a "Sorry Ishima"...

It is three in the afternoon and my ears are still ringing from "The Lecture"... unfortunately Ishima was done with her work early... so I had to face her early... and I am such an idiot... I spoke rudely to her... she says that I should not react to what people say... the we understand each other... and that is what matters... but she doesn't get it... I get scared... what if someday the taunts become too much for her... what if she begins to believe them... I can't lose another mother... and so I lashed out... I told her that she would not understand... that she never thinks about how we feel... that a true mom would understand...

The moment I said those words I knew I had hurt her... the pain in her eyes... the way she agreed to what I said... the way she walked out... I am such an idiot... I run behind her to stop her... but Neelu Didi tells me that Ishima left for the clinic... that there was an emergency... I never wanted to hurt her... I did not even realize what I was saying... Ishima is right... I need to control my temper... I have to apologise to her... I cannot keep hurting her like this... what if she leaves?

It is 11 at night... Ishima is still at the clinic... she had called Ruhi to tell her about being late... apparently there was an emergency... whenever Ishima is late she speaks to both of us... reminding us about our homework, our timetable for the next day and reminding us to eat dinner...I was hoping that I could talk to her... Ruhi still did not know what had happened between Ishima and me... so as usual she passed the phone to me... before I could say anything she reminded me about tomorrow's guitar classes, my science Olympiad application form, asked me to have dinner and cut the call... I never got a chance to say anything... She is really upset with me...

I sit in my room with our family photo album when I hear a knock on the door... I look up to see Ishima there with a tray full of food... "Adi... You did not eat dinner... what happened??? It is your favourite... Butter Chicken, Malai Kofta and Boondi wala Raita... everything ok???"... She keeps the tray down when I turn her and hug her - "I am sorry Ishima... I did not mean what I said... I know I hurt you... you are my mom... my real mom... I am sorry Ishima..." I cannot look at her... she must be so hurt... she makes me sit and asks me to look at her... what I see there amazes me... all I see is love... all I see is the promise that she will always be there for me... where is the  hurt I saw just a few hours ago??? Why is she not upset...? Romi Chachu always says that when things are fine you shouldn't question them... but I can't seem to stop myself... so I ask her... how she could be so normal after the way I behaved...

I see her chuckle as she wipes my tears... she tells me how just last week she told Paati that she hated her... that a real mom would understand her daughter and not support her son-in-law... she told me that is hurt when I spoke... but then she realized that I was being a typical child... just the way she was with her Amma... so she got over it... according to her I am just like Papa... that I first speak and then think... so she always takes what I say with a pinch of salt... she said she was glad that I could share my feelings with her... apparently moms get the "I Hate You... You can't be my mom" lines a lot... so she was ok now... she had already forgotten the whole thing...

She feeds me Malai Kofta and Roti... as usual the non-veg dish is in a separate bowl... I just take spoons of it after every bite... Ishima and I eat from the same plate... she regales me with stories of terrorizing trio... Ishima, Vandu Periamma and Mihika Chitti... my mom is a very cool person... she treats me like a friend... both of are laughing our heads off when I see papa standing at the door with a goofy smile... this is very common... Papa can be very loud and flashy at times... but then there are times when he just stands back and smiles in a funny way when Ruhi or I are with Ishima... let me tell you a secret... I too do it at times... just enjoy this wonderful gift that Matarani has given us... our Ishima...

I nudge Ishima and ask her to look behind her... she sees Papa and has the biggest smile on her face... I guess it is time for me to sleep... Papa and Ishima are slowly zoning out... Papa wishes good night and puts his hand forward for Ishima... Ishima also gets up to go... as I see them go I turn to settle in my bed... on the other side I see Ruhi sleep with a smile... when I had shifted back home... Ruhi always had these special moments with Ishima... just her and Ishima... I was jealous because everything I shared with Ishima was through Ruhi... but now... I have my moments with Ishima... Ruhi has her moments with Ishima... And then... We both have our moments with Ishima... Life is almost perfect...

As I close my eyes I hear Ishima's voice... "ADITYA RAMAN KUMAR BHALLA... Don't you dare sleep without brushing and flossing your teeth!"... Now life is perfect!!!

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