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Dear kukki, 

I know when you will be reading this you will be at the age of 30 and I would not be there to say my beautiful secured  thoughts   most importantly memories of your father, that a mother .... No most importantly a wife who wants share this with her daughter. who you is also a  wife now. You know kukki I used to feel insecured at times no most of the times when I see your father getting all the attentions of the women's from almost all age groups . But what can I do,  I cannot help it after all your father is the forever handsome rishab Bajaj.  But you know I also used to feel special and superior over others,  has I know even the Miss World cannot catch your father's eyes.  He your father no... My husband only as eyes for me Mrs. Prerna rishab Bajaj. 

I realized my thoughts about my husband was never wrong when he loved me the same even when I was in the last stage of cancer losing my life with my beauty.  But you know your father still used to give me that special looks no matter how worst I look in the eyes of the world but in his eyes I was the most beautiful woman in the whole universe. You know I myself knowing his answers about his looks ,this actions  towards me in the hospital one day  I asked  no questioned him why  he does that, gives such looks only to me that time he smiled and said these things to me which were true from his heart and most importantly logical and not dialogues from the movies: like I love you so you are the most beautiful woman in the world.  So here I am sharing that beautiful conversation between my husband and me with you.  Go ahead kukki read and also understand it because with time I want my daughter to be like her daddy understanding and being true to yourself and your partner.. 

Rishab's words to prerna 

 “Even when I see a beautiful woman, I think, ‘Aw, her life must be amazing and so on.’ Everyone does it. That’s human nature to believe that beauty is everything.”

Throw open true beauty by adopting that which is especially attractive about you. It so happens that the day you see a crop of wrinkles staring at you in the mirror, your morale drops all time low. These lines no doubt signal a life of happy moments and the rich experience, both good and bad, and the wisdom gained by you. But women just can’t help but feel the passing away of beauty and the loss of value.

Aging is often termed as a degrading word amongst women. But why is this? I am rather disturbed by the definition of beauty in today’s society.  It is something to be embraced rather than feared. There is a whole breed of older women who look nothing like the women I grew up admiring-my grandmothers.  Several are the women who have changed and altered everything bestowed on them by Nature. Anyhow the sad part is most of them do not look any younger than their untouched and natural peers. Why are many women in favour of a cosmetic-surgery-enhanced, cookie-cutter look? In today’s world the media’s portrayal of the looks of older women is not always positive. We see actors complain about the lack available for them when they have crossed 30. Many are the people, especially woman, who simply avoid gay hair and wrinkles at all costs. I have spoken to several women who are totally dissatisfied with their looks as they age. We hear complaints about wrinkles; sagging skin; a self-deprecating comment- “I’m too old to …” etc. Beauty is not the sole property of youth alone it is about being your best self, inside and outside at any age.

Perfect and true beauty is not to be found in the looks of a supermodel. True beauty is about accepting and feeling good about you and not in resembling a supermodel. Culture everywhere encourages an eternally youthful appearance, changing the way you think about beauty will not only endow you with life-long confidence but will make feel and look your biological age….which you will fall in love with!.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2020 ⏰

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