When he finally let me get dressed again after a long bath and a rather intense bout of making up, I took him out to dinner and we spent the night on a long date, just enjoying the evening together. And I let him introduce me to everyone that we met as his girlfriend without a word to the contrary.

The following three weeks were a hectic mess of post-storm cleanup, catching up on work and schoolwork that we had all missed. I didn't see much of anyone during that time, not even Micah and Bryan.

I was at the supermarket one day during this period, when I was standing in the checkout line. I let a stray eye wander over the tabloid covers, more than a bit shocked to see Colin’s face on the cover of every one of them. I began to read the captions to myself, shocked by each one just a bit more than the last.

“Hollywood Action Hunk Seaver Backs out of Latest Movie Project!”, “Colin Seaver Quits! An inside look at why the actor is retiring from show-biz before his thirtieth birthday.”, “Actor turned Oil Tycoon: Colin Seaver inherits estranged, (and recently deceased!), father's fortune and gives up on scandalized acting career.”, “Colin Seaver running off with Mystery Gal: Quits Acting for Her!”

I couldn't believe what I was reading, and wondered for a moment if Colin really had disappeared. I called him as soon as I was outside of the store, nervous and sick with worry for him. I was so relieved when he answered on the second ring.

“Hey, babe. What's up?” Colin asked.

“Hey, I know that I shouldn't put any stock into the tabloids, but I just read a bunch of them that said you're quitting acting. What's going on?” I asked, my curiosity killing me now that my worries had evaporated.

“They finally got something right. I'm retiring, to put it nicely.” He said, a laugh buried in his tone.

“Retiring? Why?” I asked, worried that something was wrong.

“My dad was never good for much as a father, but he died last week, leaving my sisters and I his legacy and money. My dad was an oil heir and he gave us everything in death that he screwed us out of in life.

“Besides, I'm tired of tabloids being in my business all the time, anyway. This is the only way that we're gonna have something close to a normal life. Well, as normal as can be expected, given the situation.”

“There is nothing normal about our life. You're not doing this because of us, are you?” I asked, not wanting him to give up his career just to be in some twisted mockery of a relationship with me. He laughed and simply told me I was being paranoid.

“I'm doing this because I have to. I want to. I'm done being this, and it's time to move on, babe. Simple. Easy. Done.”

“Alright, if this is what you want. I’m also sorry about your dad, babe. You should have called me. When do you think I’ll see you again?” I asked, hating how the question sounded as it left my lips, but unable to stop myself from asking. I missed him so much I could taste it, and he made everything feel alright when he was around.

“It is what I want. And don’t be too sorry about the old man, I’m not, and my sisters care even less. I've still got a few loose ends to tie up, but I’ll be back for you soon. I love you, babe.” Colin said sweetly, and I melted. I missed him even more.

“I love you, too. Bye.” I said. I didn't want to, but I forced myself to hang up.

The following week, I decided to call Jared and see what he was up to. I spent the next three days at his house, romping around his bed with him. He made missing Colin and Chris bearable, and I genuinely enjoyed being with him when he was this happy. The last morning that I was there that week, I woke up at four AM, feeling a bit queasy.

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