(One)- Sam-I-Am Gets Cockblocked

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Sam-I-Am Repeated out loud, his own voice echoing in his head as he walked down the dimly lit streets. He soon stopped dead in his tracks, a smirk creeping its way across his face.
Sam-I-Am Sprinted towards the two story, grayish blue house, his feet making a distant slapping noise across the concrete of the sidewalk. He tried at the doorknob, but with no luck, gave up.

He banged on the door, "C'mon Daniel! You can't hide from your mistakes forever!"
The window slowly creaked open from the second story, a tall boy with yellow hair peeked out.
"W-What do you w-want, S-Sam?" Daniel stuttered out. He was obviously intimidated by the smaller man, so he tried to keep his distance.

"Please, Danny, Do an old 'Friend' a favor, and let me in. I won't take up much of your time." Sam pinched the bridge of his nose.
On the other hand, Daniel sighed and ran downstairs. The door clicked from the other side and opened with a faint creak.

"What do you want?"  Daniel asked, this time, his voice a bit more sturdy, but it was still laced with a deep fear.

"Pay up." The other male said simply, following with a deep snicker. "Now."

A second of silence filled the air as Daniel sat and thought about the following possible sequences, before nodding. "Of course-" he murmured.

It was silence from there, the only noises heard in the dark, cold atmosphere after that were the sounds of Sam-I-Am's feet pattering into the house, followed by the closing of a door. From there, whatever happened next was unknown. Well, sorta.

"Please Daniel! Just one more night!" Sam-I-Am begged angrily, pushing against Daniel in attempt to stay inside. "No! Get out! Leave!" Daniel pushed the smaller yellow boy back a tad more, before slamming the door in his face and locking it. Sam-I-Am stood outside in complete defeat, before pattering over through the flower bed and over to the window. He banged on it for a few seconds before Daniel peeked back the curtains and gave him a little good-bye wave teasingly.

This was going to be a long night.

(A/N- so basically it took me months to write this because ahahahh Anyways uh yeah.)

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