“She doesn't care as long as I don't clean her out. It's cool.” Colin answered my unasked question as we continued into his room, his hands already working at the bottle's seal. He had chugged nearly a quarter of the bottle by the time we were finally in his room.

“So, what now?”Colin turned and asked the question as soon as he heard his bed springs squeak under my weight. I really had no answer, and that was what really pissed me off. I had a pretty good idea of what we were supposed to do, but I had no way to be completely certain. I shrugged and he laughed.

“So, nothing then. Fair enough, that's all I'd planned on.” He took another deep pull from the bottle before passing it to me. I took a few meager sips and gave it back. I didn't want to be too drunk in case he changed his mind again and I had to re-convince him halfway through.

“Do you have a shower I can use, just right quick?”

My request made him laugh even more, but he gestured toward the door next to his closet. I disappeared into the bathroom that connected his room to his mother's, and made it a point to lock the door on her side. Just in case.

I sat down and just basked in his scent for a long moment. This entire house smelled just like him, and I loved it. I turned on the hot water and waited for the next brilliant idea to come to me. I really hadn't planned anything further than getting him alone and in his room. Micah had kinda told me that Colin would take it from there, and I was starting to wonder if I'd missed a step somewhere.

I bathed as I contemplated my next move. Was I supposed to go out there and do a dance or something? What was I supposed to do? I was completely absorbed in my own thoughts and paranoid mental images when I felt a firm hand wrap around my waist. I nearly shot out of my skin until I felt Colin's soft lips graze my collarbone, sending ripples through my entire body. I suddenly knew exactly what to do, and felt foolish for even asking myself in the first place.

I turned on him and buried my hands in his hair, relishing the provocative and nearly forbidden taste of his mouth, and my urgency went through the roof. My excitement seemed to rub off on him, because I was pinned to the shower wall before I even knew that I being maneuvered into the corner.

“We really need to stop this. Before we get too far-”

“No. We really need to not stop. For anything.” I said, realizing that I was yet again reverting to begging, and I didn't give a damn. I kissed him again, trying to make his head as foggy as mine was. It wasn't working, because he backed away from me and got back out of the shower as quickly and silently as he entered. I wanted to break down in the shower, but I held in the sob that choked me until I heard the doorknob. I gasped as the tears came flooding out of me, and it took me a moment to realize that I wasn't alone yet.

Colin ripped open the shower curtain and dragged me into his arms, rocking me as he leaned back onto the counter. He waited for my sobbing to wane before he moved to set me on the counter, turning back just long enough to turn the water off.

He caught me getting an eyeful when he turned to face me again, and he suddenly burst into laughter. I blushed profusely, and then I relaxed again when I felt our mouths moving together again. When he moved to step back, I began to cling to him as though my life depended on it. He moaned my name as the last bit of his resistance gave way.

“We should not be doing this. We can't be-”

“Please.” I begged. One word cut off all of his objections, and he was kissing me again. I arched and writhed under the heat of his hands, and after another few minutes like this, he pulled back again, locking my hands in place over my head so I couldn't fight back.

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