{🌸} | The Ticking Clock

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Wind hit the (H/C) haired girl's face as she stood next to the tree with tears running down her face

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Wind hit the (H/C) haired girl's face as she stood next to the tree with tears running down her face.

She felt her legs go weak as she fell on her knees crying.

She felt a hand on her shoulder as she let out a gasp from the sudden touch.

There was a boy.

He had dark brown hair and golden eyes.

He had a smile on his face lending a hand to help her up.

She hesitated as first, but grabbed his hand pulling her up.

"(Y/N) (L/N)...."

The girl stopped crying but stared at the male with a sad expression.

"Let's have a small chat, yes?"

◦•●◉✿ tick ✿◉●•◦

"Hey Hey! Have you heard about the 8th wonder?"

The silver haired girl looked confused.


"Really? Here..."

◦•●◉✿ tock ✿◉●•◦

"That's horrible! Poor girl..."

The thicc cankle girl looked sad as she looked at her purple haired best friend.

"I heard Minamoto-Senpai lost someone close to him not so long ago too...."

Nene felt pity for the girl as she looked out the window sighing.

"What a coincidence...."

◦•●◉✿ you'rerunningouttatime✿◉●•◦

(Y/N) stood there with a clock locket around her neck.



The younger male looked at the girl with his typical "lol I love Amane and I support incest" face.

"Can...can I make relationships with the humans?"

"Of course!"

The male smiled at (Y/N) getting closer to her.

"But you know (Y/N)...."

His happy smile turned into a sadistic smile as he leaned to her ear.

"I know a certain person that you would do anything for."

(Y/N) looked at him with a confused look.

"I don't remember anyone from my past life...."

Yes, it was true.

Time had kept going, time had taken her life, time was wasted, time was something that she had.

A tear came running down her face as she stared at Tsukasa.

"Tell me, who? Who do I fancy so much?"

Tsukasa laughed hugging the female a little.

"You know I can't say silly! That would make the adventure less fun!"

Fun? (Y/N) wasn't one to show that much emotion anymore, but that little rat was pulling her strings.

"Please Tsukasa, tell me...I want to meet them!"

Tsukasa just shrugged his shoulders.

"We can make a deal...."

"Any deal! I want to meet this person! If I fancy them so much, they must've been a person I cared about in my past life, right?!"

Tsukasa laughed at the girl feeling a little pity.

"(Y/N)...the deal is, if you meet the person in time before the clock runs out, I'll let you live!"

His smile grew wider as he circled around her.


His expression started to darken.

"If you fail, I'll make sure you die for good."

(Y/N) stood there in a little shock, but continued to think about it.

"But then againnnnnn you can completely ignore the deal and never meet the person you cared about so deeply you would do anything for in your past life ever again and be known as the loneliest spirit. "

"Deal then. "

(Y/N) wasn't letting go of that person. She was desperate to find someone she knew. Time had made her die once, like hell it wasn't gonna kill her a second time.

Tsukasa smiled brightly hugging (Y/N)'s arm.

"Yay! I knew you would agree! You're so desperate it's almost more sad then your death."

"What was that last part?"

"Oh! Just saying how much time you have, just in case you were wondering."

"Oh....say it again please."

Tsukasa looked at (Y/N)'s chest pointing to it.

"Right there. That locket, the clock inside it tells you."

(Y/N) opened the locket, it looked like a normal clock, but where the 12 stood in dark red letters it stated, "DEATH DAY"

Tsukasa knew a fact, a fact that you didn't know because he didn't tell you of course....

There was no way you were gonna make friends with them.

In fact, they hate your guts already.

But you didn't know nor pay attention to what the person may have thought about you when you met them.

Not yet to be more specific.

TICKING - T. Minamoto (reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now