Chapter one - Please.

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"Y/N! Heads up!"

You heard Bucky's yell a fraction of a second too late and felt something hard collide with the side of your face – an apple.

"Asshole!" you yelled, clutching your face and pretending to stagger in pain, hearing his laugh from the other side of the room: your target. You reached down and felt for the apple where you'd heard it thud to the floor, picked it up and lobbed it towards the sound of his laughter, giving a satisfied smirk in Bucky's direction when you heard him yell in pain.

That pretty much summed up the relationship between you and Buck. You loved it.

Ever since you had been blinded in a battle with the Avengers a year ago, everyone had started treating you differently. You'd immediately put a stop to it, not wanting to feel worse than you already did with your loss of sight, begging everyone to treat you as normally as they could. After a year you could pretty much fend for yourself, as long as you were within the confines of the compound and around the people who had looked after you from day one. But it still sucked.

You had given it a great deal of thought, and you reckoned would rather be deaf, or mute, or both, just as long as you could see something again. You missed colours.

But you didn't let yourself wallow in your own self pity for too long, that would only drive you more insane. You had your ears still, which had become hyper-sensitive since the accident and allowed you to hear things in a way you never would have when you still had your sight. And you had Loki.

Your relationship with Loki was a unique one. You were closer with him than any of the other Avengers, even though you'd never seen him before. He'd arrived a week after the accident, when you were at your lowest, and he was at his too. The timing couldn't have been better; you had clicked straight away and he had hardly left your side since he had arrived, finding comfort in the fact that you were now an outsider like him.

When he'd kissed you for the first time you hadn't seen it coming (literally), but had felt elated and relieved. If not for your blindness you knew you would have made a move way before he did, but not being able to actually see him had knocked your confidence massively. You could picture him in your head well enough, but only in his human form. You knew about the whole frost giant thing, he had only told you, but he refused to describe himself to you like that. It was a work in progress.

That was why you trusted him to be your eyes: he knew exactly how and when to explain things to you in the right way, which allowed you to picture the things he was describing so clearly in your head. It wasn't the same as actually seeing, but it was close. You had felt vulnerable to start with, but not anymore.

Bucky's overexaggerated moans of pain still carrying across the room were proof of this.

"What's up Buck, Y/N beating you up again?"

That was Steve's voice, humorous and light-hearted.

"You know it." you grinned, bracing yourself for another flying apple, but none came.

"Hey kid."

A large hand descended on your head, ruffling your hair and you swatted it away playfully.

"Hey Tony. Found the cure for blindness yet?"

"Still searching, endlessly, relentlessly... you know the drill."

Tony blamed himself for your blindness. He'd been slightly preoccupied warding off a giant monster from attacking a hospital when it had happened. Selfish really. Not. His excuse was that he'd recruited you and it was only your eighth mission, and he should have been protecting you, blah blah blah. No one else thought it was his fault apart from him, and you especially didn't blame him. It was down to your stupidity, thinking you could take on twenty fire demons or whatever they were at the same time. Which apparently you could not do. You missed going on missions with the team and using your magic more than anything.

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