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    The palace was abuzz with preparations from the castle staff. Maids were running here and there to set up decorations for the coming night's celebration.

"Did you hear? Tonight the King is going to announce which lady is going  to be the Princess Elect!" A maid squealed to her colleague.

"I wonder who it will be. Probably Lady Laurance, shes from a Ducal home and is one of the most eligible ladies in the Kingdom!" The colleague responded.

As they spoke, they failed to notice the Chamberlain approach.

Chamberlain Giles Cristophe, a man known for his smoothe tongue and close to the king. As Chamberlain it was his duty to ensure that all preparations for this celebration were in order.

"Now Ladies, you'd best get back to work" Chamberlain Christophe said with a smile on his face. He was quite aware that none of the noble ladies would be named Princess Elect in the midst of the King's dwindling health.

Clapping his hands, Giles called together the staff of the main palace in which the festivities would be held for a quick briefing.

The ballroom was flooded with nobles, their families, and the eligible ladies of Wisteria. All people in attendance were anxious to know who the new Princess Elect would be. Although the twin Prince and Princess, Tomeo and Tomea had been born and would have been of age. No word had ever been heard of them beside the news of Prince Tomeo's death. Tomea had never been seen in public, nor had she presented herself. With the Election being held, no one expected her to take the role of Crown Princess.

The hour of announcement arrived. The King of Wisteria mad his official appearance. This would mark the period for the official announcement of Princess Elect.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of Wisteria," the king began, "It is an honor to gather you all here to announce the successor of the crown." At this, the ladies of nobility held their breath. It was the pinnacle of moments.

"While we have held the princess election this year, we will not be selecting any noble daughters as princess elect." He said. After a few moments, the ladies reacted with confused glances and murmuring.

"May I present my daughter, Crown Princess Elect Tomea Vite Wisteria."

Tomea entered the ballroom. All eyes were on her as she made her way to the throne to stand beside her father. A place she had never stood before, in a stiff outfit she was unaccustomed to.  While the King had made her seem as if she was beloved through his explanation, this was the first time in the 12 years since he adopted her that she had seen his face. However, she was raised to be a perfect princess. There would be strict scrutiny from her teachers and Chamberlain Giles if she caused a scene.

   From the corner of her eye, Tomea could see the seething Lady Laurence. She took her place beside the King. As soon as he came, he left the ball and left everyone to enjoy themselves. Tomea's societal debut had come and of course she would have to escort herself. This was not unseemly as it was a ball to announce the Princess Elect. The Chamberlain Christophe swiftly made his move to escort the Princess, despite the lack of need.

"Crown Princess Elect" he bowed.
"Chamberlain" Tomea curtsied in response.

"Shall we do the rounds, Princess?" he said offering Tomea his arm. She silently accepted by taking it.

The first person Tomea was introduced to was Duke Louis Howard. A gorgeous man with hair the color of the moon and blue eyes of the same brightness. He radiated beauty that none of the noble ladies could hope to emulate. The Howard family had sworn loyalty to the Royal family throughout the ages. Louis Howard would be an important ally.

The two greeted each other. In Duke Howard's eyes, Tomea could see a sense of kindred between them. To Duke Howard, he did not sense the same however, based on his first impression she was worthy of at least his loyalty.

"He is to be your dance instructor in the coming preparation for your coronation ceremony." Giles mentioned. Tomea nodded and smiled faintly, showing that she was honored to have him as a teacher. Besides a greeting, nothing more was said.

Next, she was introduced to the bureaucrat Leo Crawford, a man favoured by the aristocrats. His  dark red eyes deeply contrasted his alabaster hair.  Based on who Giles had guided her to, Tomea could tell the Chamberlain was trying to help her gain favor with powerful people. The two greeted each other.

"Well, well, Princess Elect Tomea, right?" Leo addressed Tomea informally. Tomea could feel her tension lessen at his smile.

"Bureaucrat Crawford, yes? I hope to work well with you." She responded.

"Many people thought you didn't exist until now, but now I see that the king was just hiding your beauty." He said with a flirtatious smile.

"You over exaggerate. It is because I was preparing and being taught well." Tomea said. She didn't give much away about her upbringing, too much about herself would reveal she was not the real Tomea. During her days of isolation she found she loved to chat. If she started, she would reveal everything she worked hard to keep.

She continued to greet various members of high nobility and eventually made it to Lady Laurence who did not hide her disdain at all. Tomea could tell that she was unwelcomed by the daughter of the Duke Laurence. Thus, she decided to play with her as she was incredibly tired from greeting and being under the gaze of various nobles.

"Greetings Princess Elect Tomea" Lady Laurence said, her eyes remaining upward as she curtsied.

Tomea opened her fan with a quick flick of her wrist, being sure to make note of the discourteous move.

"Crown Princess Elect Tomea"


This ends the introduction, the story from here out will be from 1rst person point of view. Just mentioning so readers are not surprised

I Am The Crown Princess (Midnight Cinderella Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now