Chapter 1

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Charlotte's POV
My name is Charlotte Miranda Sommers. My mom is Jenna Sommers. My mom had me when she left mystic falls because of Logan Fell.
Jenna's POV
Logan has just cheated on me and I had found I was pregnant with his baby. I told my sister Miranda that I was.
9 months later
I gave birth to a beautiful babygirl and named her Charlotte Miranda Sommers.
Back to the present
Charlotte's POV
My mom had came back to Mystic falls when I was 5 years old. She had to go back so she could take care of my cousins Elena and Jeremy. Jeremy and I were close as cousins because to me Jeremy was like the big brother I never had.
A year later
About a year later my mom died all thanks to an original vampire named Klaus for during my mom into a vampire and killing her.
That May
I went to court with my cousin Jeremy and his girlfriend Bonnie. The Judge had told my cousin Jeremy and Bonnie they were parents because my mom was dead. My cousin had became my adopted dad and his girlfriend became my adopted mom.
A month later
Before my mom left to go on vacation with my grandpa, my mom found out she was pregnant with my baby sister or brother. I was only 6 years old, so when daddy would work at the mystic grill I would sit there at the bar by where my daddy usually was, uncle Matt worked there too and he was ok with me sitting at the bar. Daddy and Uncle Matt knew I wasn't gonna order anything that was bad for me plus they wouldn't give it to me. Mommy had taught me magic and I thinking I'm getting good at it. (Note: Enzo will come in this story but when Bonnie comes back from the prison world she'll still love Jeremy in fact she'll talk about Jeremy, Charlotte, Mandy, and her unborn baby Jenna when that time comes.) Mommy had left with her dad to go on vacation, but she still hasn't told grandpa about the pregnancy but he knows about me. I was bored and didn't wanna be sitting at the bar alone so I went in the back where daddy was and I saw him talking to mommy on FaceTime. "Did I just see a redhead walk in." Mommy had said. "Yea you did."daddy said as he looked me.
Jeremy's POV
I put my hand on my daughter's head. "Jer are you cheating on me?" My girlfriend asked me as she looked upset. "Yea but would this girl I'm cheating on you with be our 6 year old daughter Charlie?" I said as I lifted Charlie up. "Oh Charlie is the redhead I saw walking in." She said as she looked up at me and Charlie. "Hi mommy." Charlie said as she waved at Bonnie who was her mommy. Charlie is not really mine and Bonnie's kid she is adopted, me and Bonnie adopted her after my aunt Jenna died. I had to get back to work so I set Charlie down. Bonnie tells me she hates her dads side of the family because they are like wet paint that never dries and Charlie laughs when her mommy said that. (Note: Ok no Anna won't be in this story, ok in this story Anna and Jeremy never happened and neither did Vicki and Jeremy. Vicki is just friends with Jeremy.) "Me and baby gotta get going. I love you Jer and Charlie." She said as she looked at the redhead standing on top of the boxes. "I love you too Bon." I said as I pick up my phone and bring it over to Charlie. "I love you too mommy." She said as I end the call and she gets down. Matt walks in and he wanted me to switch to tables because Caroline was here with Tyler. I go out there and Charlie follows me. Charlie is my little helper when I'm at work. I would have her aunt Elena watch her but Elena is busy trying to find Stefan that I decided to take Charlie with me to work, Matt was ok with it. I walk over to Caroline and Tyler with Charlie. "Did Matt decide to switch places." Caroline said as Charlie looks around. I nod my head. "He thinks we're dating and oh hi Charlie." Caroline said as she moved her hand gesturing her and Tyler. "Hi Auntie Caroline." Charlie said as she waved at her aunt.
9 months later
Charlie's POV
My mom was due any day now, it was Valentine's Day. Mommy and daddy were getting ready for my baby sister to come into the world. I was sitting on the couch with mommy at daddy's house. Daddy was at work, but than 2 minutes later felt something wet. Mommy felt her stomach and said "Charlie call your daddy, my water just broke." I called daddy from mommy's phone. Daddy picked up. "Hey Bon. Everything ok? Is the baby ok? Is Charlie ok?" He said as he sounded worried. "Daddy it's me Charlie, mommy's water broke." I said as daddy hanged up the phone and quickly got here and ran to mommy's side
Hours later
I was in the waiting room with Auntie Caroline and Auntie Elena. The doctor comes out and says we can go in. I walk in with auntie Elena and auntie Caroline. "Charlie, meet your baby sister Miranda Naomi Gilbert." Mommy said as she handed me my baby sister.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2020 ⏰

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