Chapter 1

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It's been about a week now since Giyu Tomioka, the Water Pillar, was given the mission to head northeast to a rather large village to patrol the area for some demons, so far, none have come up, and he was getting restless...

It was dusk, the sky was a beautiful mix of orange and red, a sight to behold, unfortunately, the Water Pillar had no time to admire such simple things as he was on guard for any demons who were bold enough to rear their ugly heads. He was getting tired of walking all day, searching area after area, building after building, he had settled into a small house encompassed with a lot of weird trees, the village folks remarked.

These weird looking trees were actually Wisteria trees, and the majority of the village people were oblivious to the fact that it's a very essential and vital tree in warding of predators, or Demons to be exact.

Most people heard of Demons, folktales and stories about Demons and how they attack at night, ignorant that they are no mere legends and they actually exist throughout the land. From the biggest cities to the smallest settlements, Demons could be lurking anywhere at anytime, though they do not show up at daytime, it is rumored that sunlight instantly kill them, it is an indisputable fact. Wounds, regardless the severity, heal in the blink of an eye, superhuman capabilities, and the insatiable thirst for blood.

These natural predators, thrive at nighttime seeking anyone foolish enough to venture outside at the dead of night and feed upon their flesh. Or in rarer cases, they invade unsuspecting families' houses altogether, if they are the more, audacious types.

All Demons share the same quest, to feed and become even more powerful than they once were, an insatiable desire.

Giyu was guided to the guest bedroom of the humble abode of a family recognizing the Slayer Corps, after eating and freshening himself up, he went straight to bed. At 3 am, at the edge of wakefulness and nearing slumber, he was awakened by a very strong amount of bloodlust, engulfing the entire village, he immediately went for his sword then stormed outside, he was evidently scared, his hands shaking more and more as he was nearing the source of the extreme bloodlust.

'This has to be an upper moon!'

He thought to himself

He entered the vicinity where the bloodlust was the strongest and found a Demon, it had black hair and turquoise eyes with the engraving


"A Human! Finally, I didn't feel like busting through the front door of houses just to slaughter people, I prefer they come to me rather than me coming to them"

The Demon spoke with such bloodlust, it unnerved Giyu to his very core...

The one to sieze the initiative was Giyu

"Total Concentration, Water Breathing, Tenth Form, Constant Flux!"

His sword suddenly transformed into a water dragon, getting stronger and more precise with each rotation he makes, as he was slashing area of the Demon, it disappeared in a flash (literally), then reappeared by his left side...


The Demon exclaimed all the while sliced sidewards, aiming for Giyu's left arm, he pivoted out of the way, just in the nick of time, a moment too soon and his left arm would've been sliced off...

'Not nearly enough force and precision!'

Giyu thought

'I need to buy more time, I don't have enough force yet!'

A Butterfly on a PondTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon