As he walked the forest, Caspian pondered his existence without his family, whether his father would be proud of the son he had raised. If only he had been able to save Pa, Ma, and Scarlett. If only. No! Caspian, Stop! Don't think such things! What's done is done and there's no force on this planet that will ever change it. You can't go back and save them, so stop wondering about whether you could or could not. It was proven you couldn't. All you have to do is keep going and look out of the clan. Make your father proud," the voice in his head barked at him. He winced, but he knew his mind was right.

He decided to forgo the trip down memory lane and instead watched the forest around him, taking pride in how he had conquered the land like his ancestors did before him.

He stopped suddenly as he noticed something white floating not a few feet away from him. He uncharged his sword and ducked behind a log, his eyes wary as he peered over.

The air shimmed and condensed before a beautiful young woman stepped out. Her hair was a flaming red that lit the trees around her with a warm glow. Her skin was tan and smooth and and ruby red lips were slightly open as she breathed in and out. His eyes wandered down her body, looking at the tight corset style top that she wore that accentuated every curve she had. A long, flowing black skirt reached down to her ankles, and underneath them, a pair of black satin slippers adorned her feet. He had seen women in courts wear shoes like those, though normally they were of higher quality. It was obvious by the girl's looks that she was not of this country, but wherever she was from, she certainly was beautiful.

As she walked around the small area she had found herself in, Caspian's eyes were unwillingly drawn to her hips, which swayed back and forth with every movement. A slim hand reached out and delicate fingers touch the touch bark of the tree. She was like sin, captivating to a degree that made her ethereal. More than that she was Caspian's personal demoness summoned from the depths of hell to torture him for every crime he had ever committed. He wished now that he could repent and that the girl would disappear and he could forget about her. But alas, it seemed the woman was there to stay and he groaned quietly to himself. Torture, blissful torture.

He stood to move toward her, though she did not seem to notice him. If she did, she was a wonderful actress, and feigned her ignorance well. He reached out to touch her shoulder, and as his fingers made contact with her soft amber skin, his throat was met with the cool steel of an ornate dagger. He had been careless. Removing his hand from her shoulder her took a step back from the entrancing woman and dropped to one knee, his eyes downcast. Out of the corner of his eye he looked at her and watched as she lowered the dagger. She dropped to her knees in front of him and slowly raised his face with both of her hands.

"I didn't hurt you did I?" She asked quietly, worry etched into her tone.

Caspian gazed into her azure eyes and knew that she would be his end. Her soft hands on his jaw sent tingles of pleasure down his spine, and it was taking everything in him not to scoop her up and hide her away from the world keeping her prisoner for his own desires. He shook his head in response to her question before forcing his tongue to work. "No my lady, you did not harm me."

She looked dubious and slowly her hands lifted his head up more before drifting down to his throat, her eyes scanning for even a scratch. Her fingers traced the small etch line where her dagger had pressed. "I'm sorry for so carelessly attacking you," she murmured as she took her hands from his neck. "You startled me, that is all. I did not realize I wasn't alone."

Her voice was smooth and sinuous like the most crystallized river, and in the moment he knew that no matter how many times he heard her voice, he would go weak in the knees as if it were his first time hearing it. "It is quite alright. I was careless and should have made me presence known before attempting to touch you."

She nodded, accepting his reasoning before her eyes met his once again. "What are we to call each other? I believe now that we've spoken it would only be given common courtesy to known what the other is called."

"I am called Caspian. And what of you?"

"My name is Samsara," she replied, kindness in her voice.

"Samsara," he repeated liking the feel of her name as it rolled off of his tongue. "It's a beautiful name."

Her cheeks flushed crimson at his compliment and she bowed her head, the sheets of her blazing red hair hiding her heart shaped face. "Thank you, Caspian," she murmured quietly.

"Of course," he replied back, his tone equally quiet.

And for the first time since his family had been taken away from him, he felt his heart of stone move and a feeling coursed through him that he had heard the other men describe as love. Was that it? Was he, Caspian Caine, in love with the bewitching and sinfully beautiful Samsara?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2015 ⏰

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