Chapter 2

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(Y/N) heard muffled voices and felt cushions underneath her as she slowly regained consciousness, her brain was scrambled and she slowly sat up, clutching her face and groaning. The noise immediately attracted the attention of whoever was talking as the voices fell silent. A boyish voice echoed around the room, "She's finally awake Sakura!" A chair squeaked, and a beautiful girl faced (Y/N), with her slender legs and delicate features she looked like a porcelain doll. She transfixed (Y/N) with an emotionless stare before speaking, "My name is Nanamine Sakura but you can just call me Sakura. She held out her hand and (Y/N) hesitantly took it before introducing herself, N-nice to meet you, my name is (Y/N), (L/N) but you can call me (Y/N). A pair of arms wrapped around (Y/N)'s waist and she turned her head to see the spirit boy from the day before, she tensed and Sakura must have noticed the fear in her eyes, because she motioned for him to leave her alone and he reluctantly complied. (Y/N) felt anger rising in her as she faced Sakura with an irritated stare, "Do you mind telling me how long I've been unconscious for." Sakura leaned back in her chair, her face giving nothing away as she continued. "You've been asleep for about a day, I'm sorry about him I can't disobey his wishes, even when he decides to kidnap random girls." Sakura glared at the boy as he merely waved innocently, (Y/N) scanned the room for her bag and found it near the door before getting up off the couch and grabbing it before making her way to the door. She grasped the handle and shot a glare at the two of them, "Then if you'll excuse me, I'll be leaving now." She threw open the door with a huff and hurried into the hall, brimming with anger and ignoring the fear in her chest. 

It was only when she reached the stairwell when she realized how hungry she was, she made her way to the rooftop and sat down on one of the wooden benches before rummaging through her bag and finding the bento box she had packed for school the day before. "I'd better not see that spirit again, I don't need more problems right now." She hurriedly finished her food before leaning back against the stone wall behind the bench and took a deep breath. "I'll be fine eventually, at least he didn't kill me." She thought to herself as she stood up and leaned on the railing overlooking the garden some of the students tended too. "And in any case I don't have to hurry home, they'll just be fighting, like usual." She hung her head a little and tears began to roll down her cheeks, she let go of the railing and sat on the cold stone of the roof. She heard a small squeaky voice in front of her and looked up to see what looked like a small group of chubby pink rabbits in front of her, she stopped crying for a moment before one of them offered her a small wrapped piece of candy, "Want some?" the creature squeaked, and she smiled a little before taking it and beginning to unwrap it. She popped the piece in her mouth before she heard one of them squeak in fear, "She has his scent!" (Y/N) looked at them in confusion before the small group ran away from her, their shrill voices full of fear. "Wait! come back!" she reached out her hand but they were already gone, leaving her alone again. "Great now even bunnies don't want to be around me." 

She kept eating the candy when she felt someone poke her head, "Please don't let that be who I think it is." She groaned a little and looked up to see the apparition from the broadcasting room floating over her smiling, "Hi~" She ignored him and went back to eating her candy, keeping her gaze on the ground in front of her. There was silence for a few seconds before he poked her again and whined in her ear, "Why are you ignoring me~" She stayed silent and narrowed her eyes at him, he just pouted and tilted his head curiously at her, "Did I do something wrong?" She simply rolled her eyes at him and walked back over to her bag, searching for some more food, when a pair of hands wrapped around her waist. "(Y/N)!" She looked at his face and stayed silent, a small smile creeping across her face. He frowned and grabbed her wrist, before flying high above the rooftop and dangling her by both of her arms. Dread and fear filled her chest and her heart pounded as she dug her fingers into the end of his sleeves, staring up at him as he grinned at her. She held her breath and gave him a glare full of fury, she was trying not to scream as her feet dangled in the thin air. He merely stared at her with that soulless gaze, an evil smirk on his lips as he loosened his grip and she slipped a little. It sickened her to be at his mercy, but he dropped her further and she gritted her teeth before finally giving in, "Alright fine! I won't ignore you just put me down!" He smiled and gripped her hands before lowering her back down to the roof of the school, she turned to glare at him as she landed and wrenched her hands out of his grip. 

She crossed her arms and stared at him as he landed beside her, "So did you follow me up here or something?" He shrugged and she groaned before sitting down, "I was bored and Sakura doesn't give as entertaining reactions as you do, so~" He sat down beside her and raised her chin with one of his fingers to meet his gaze, "I wanted to see them again." She simply blinked at him before waving his hand away, "Glad to know my terror is so entertaining for you," she said as she pressed her hands into the pavement of the roof, trying to keep them from shaking. She felt hot tears beginning to form in the corners of her eyes and she moved away from the apparition, refusing to show any sign that he had disturbed her. She stood up and started to walk away from the ghost boy, quickly grabbing her bag and digging her nails into the strap when she felt a cold hand on her wrist and a mocking voice behind her. "Aww~ did I really scare you that much?" Her hands began to shake again and she was confused as to either cry or punch him, she stood silent for a few seconds before anger boiled over inside her as she spun around and pushed him to the ground. Shock kept him silent as she screamed at him, her voice laced with scorn, "You make me sick! toying with peoples lives just for your own entertainment?!" Her tears began to spill over and pour down her face as she continued. "Your despicable! Never touch me or come near me again you monster!" He stared at her with his mouth open in shock as she spun around and shoved the doors open that led to the stairwell, her (h/c) hair disappearing as the doors shut, with her eyes glaring daggers before she descended. Her stomach burned with rage and she squeezed the handle of her bag tightly as she made her way down to the first floor. As she reached the entrance she stopped and took a deep breath, the fire within her soothed a little and she wiped the last of her tears before continuing. As the sun blinded her eyes she glanced back to the rooftop, but saw nothing. She shook her head and opened the gate, hinges squeaking as she stepped through and left the school grounds, however the shocked look on his face stuck with her as she made her way home.

(Y/N) grasped the door handle and stepped into the one story building she called home, shouting echoed throughout the house as she slipped off her shoes. Anger and stress seemed to resonate from the very foundation that made up the house as (Y/N) hurried up to her room, not wanting to witness the fighting between her parents. The old wooden door creaked as she opened it and set her bag on the chair at her small desk before falling onto her bed in exhaustion, staring at the ceiling. "I wonder if they'll ask me where I've been since I didn't come home last night," She wondered to herself, she thought back to the look the spirit boy gave her before passing out and she shivered. "At least I'll never have to deal with him again, I should ask Yashiro how her wish went," A thought struck her and she abruptly sat up in her bed, "I should ask Hanako if he knows about that apparition!" They looked almost identical, he had to know at least something right? (Y/N) climbed under the soft blankets, the same thought spinning in circles inside her head, over and over again until she finally fell into a fitful sleep, her dreams filled with images of the psychotic glee in his eyes as she plummeted to her death.

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