"Who is to blame?" Byleth asked.

Edelgard told her that it was the Empire's corrupt prime minister who was calling the shots, and that her Father was a mere puppet for them, and he couldn't save them. "I know how it all sounds. But when you see my true strength you will know I speak the truth" Edelgard said "I have kept it hidden all this time, but... I will reveal to you the power of my second crest." she said, Edelgard raised her hand and allowed her crest to manifest, Byleth looked in shock, it was a crest identical to hers "It is the same as yours... the Crest of Flames" Edelgard said, she then went on a tangent that she will rid the world of meaningless sacrifice "As emperor I will change the world, I swear it" she added. The two of them sat in silence for a moment.

 Edelgard looked worried she was watching Byleth wondering how she would respond "I hope that you can do it" Byleth said quietly.

Edelgard looked surprised "I didn't think that you would understand" Edelgard said with an awkward laugh "But i'm glad you do... It brings me a great deal of comfort, Thank you Byleth" Edelgard said. Before either of them could say anything else two people came running up to them.

"Hey you two" Byleth and Edelgard looked to see that Claude had called out to them, he was accompanied by Dimitri. "Follow us quick, come on no time for questions'' Claude said as he continued running to his destination.

Dimitri just shrugged and followed, and Byleth and Edelgard took off right after them. Claude led them to a desolate part of the monastery, he pushed away shrubs and revealed a tunnel. 

"Claude... are you certain that suspicious individual you spotted went through... there?" Dimitri asked "I will say, that does look a bit like a passageway, doesn't it?" Dimitri added.

"Unless I dreamt it up while sleepwalking, there is no mistaking what I saw" Claude said with irritation.

"I never thought I'd say this but... I believe Claude's story" Edelgard added and Byleth nodded in agreement. Edelgard went on to tell them how she had heard tales of countless passages that snake beneath the monastery, "This is undoubtedly one of them" she added.

"Perhaps so" Dimitri mumbled "In any case there is no telling where it leads" he added.

"Oh no. Oh you're right! There is no telling what we could find, Terrible danger. Wicked creatures. Unspeakable smells!" Claude sarcastically said, "The risk is too high, Your Highnesses! I must insist that you wait here where it is safe... and smells nice." Claude mocked "Meanwhile Byleth and I will track down the bandit shaped person" He said while staring at Dimitri "If we don't return do me a favor and call for the knights, will ya?" Claude added.

"That is quite enough," Edelgard said irritated, "With so little information it is too dangerous, we will come along as well. Right, Dimitri?" Edelgard said.

"Yes of course" Dimitri said "If it was a thief we must not allow them to get away with their crime, especially considering what happened at the Goddesses Rite of Rebirth, Vigilance is paramount'' Dimitri added.

"Right well tag along if you insist" Claude said with a wink "Just don't come crying to me if we meet a terrible fate, deal?" Claude added.

"Likewise. Well no use dawdling. Let's be on our way. Unless there is someone we should call for?" Edelgard asked.

"We should bring more allies, just to be safe" Byleth suggested.

"Yes, a fine idea" Dimitri said "Though at this time I fear that few of our classmates are still awake" Dimitri added, As Dimitri said that Hilda approached them with Ashe and Linhardt 

"Whoa there! What's all this, Byleth? You and the three house leaders creeping around at night? Pretty shady, if you ask me." Hilda said.

"It certainly is a rare and unexpected sighting... especially considering the hour" Ashe added.

"Looks like a whole lot of something is about to happen. I'm going back to bed." Linhardt stated before attempting to walk off. 

"Stop right there, Linhardt. Your bad luck is our good fortune- you're coming with us." Edelgard said.

"And Hilda'' Claude said "You can stop thinking of ways to get out of this, we could use your help too" he added.

Dimitri jumped in and said "You as well Ashe" he turned to him "I'll explain everything on the way" Dimitri added.

"Happy to help" Ashe said "We don't have anything better to do at this hour, so we may as well pitch in" Ashe added. 

"You have our gratitude now then, let us be on our way. Ready, Byleth? Dimitri asked, turning to her and Byleth nodded. 

"The more the merrier, I suppose. Let's just hope we're not marching to our doom..." Claude said. And with that the seven of them entered into the passage to attempt to catch the thief that Claude had seen.

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