Chapter 2

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I stood there frozen, still shocked from the encounter I just had with a stranger. I have never met him my entire life and will probably never see him again, yet he took with him the virginity of my lips. What a weird thank you gesture. Does he do that to everyone who returns his lost possessions? What if it's a guy? How many lips have touched his?! At that realization I wipe my mouth of his taste.


How can couples intimately kiss one another? Join their lips together. All you're really doing is exchanging saliva. Someone else's spit transferring into your mouth. I don't find that romantic at all! It's sad to think that's what girls look forward to as they get older.

I return to the even-more-crowed even-stuffier room of people. They are all gathering toward the stage so I assume the "show" is about to start. I didn't want to come here anyway so I take a seat back at the table.

"Pyke! There you are! I thought you left!" Leah yells.

"I went to the restroom"

As though she doesn't hear my response, she grips my wrist and I jerk away.

"What's your problem?!" She looks at me confused and aggravated.

The wrist-grabbing gesture gets under my skin after that slobber-kissing stranger.

"Uh.. I'm just going to sit here. You go ahead," I don't want her to know.

An eyebrow raises, "ugh! Don't be like that! Come. On!!"

"no, it's nothing. . I'm just not feeling very well. My stomach hurts and-"

Her face scrunches, "Eww! Nevermind! I don't want you barfing all over. K, don't go anywhere."

I know I'm probably a party pooper for just sitting there but I am claustrophobic okay? Being in that mosh pit is the last place I want to be.

Tracing the glass rim that holds my beverage, I suddenly hear an applause from the female audience. For someone who didn't want to be here, I look up to see what they are squealing at. What I see with my eyes comes as a surprise, it is the guy who kissed me.

He is up on the stage with a guitar.

I can admit he caught my attention only because I saw him moments ago and thought I'd never see his face again.

He leans his guitar against a piano. He sits on the stool and softly places his fingers on top of the keys. The room fills with silence before he presses down on the first key. The melody starts out slow and barely increases with speed. His deep and sensual sound comes from his mouth. He has a unique singing voice, like nothing I've ever heard before. It's sexy, and obviously the rest of the female population agrees for their eyes are hearts popping out of their head.

After about an hour I am ready to go home. Gosh these women can go all night if it's him playing. It's kind of funny because for a while there they were chanting, "Strip, strip, strip." He didn't do it of course but it seems he's getting confident and I want to leave before he gets cocky enough to actually do it.

I exit the loud room and catch a taxi to take me home. Before I get in, a drunk guy from the bar stops me.

"Hey, doya havenee moneeeeeyyy?" I can barely make out his words.

"Umm.. no all ny money is on a card. Sorry," I open the cab door.

"Oh c'mon.. you were in da bar all night and didn't buy a single drinkkkk! You've got some dough!"

What a gentleman right?

"Oh let me get that for you honey?" Another figure zooms up next to the door and opens it for me.

"Sorry I missed our date tonight," he hugs me.

This strong figure is saving me right now.

"Oh and here ya go buddy.. I'll cover tonight for my wife.." he hands the other stranger a couple dollar bills and he walks away.

The dark haired stranger motions me into the car gentleman-like. And I mean it, I'm not trying to be sarcastic this time.

"Thanks," I give my savior a slight smile.

"Oh no problem. That dude always hangs around late at night. He can get pretty rowdy when he's drunk so it's best just to give him a couple bucks."

I nod.

Smiling he responds, "Well, have a good night miss!"


I'm not sleepy when I get home and can't go to sleep for a while so I read my book. Time seems to go by quick when I read and soon enough my sister sneaks into my bedroom.

"Pyke!" She whispers so loud that it's hardly a whisper at all.

"What!!" I harshly whisper back.

"Why did you just leave?!"

"I told you I wasn't feeling well.."

"Don't tell me you're pregnant!!"

My face shifts in disgust, "shut up! I am not!" I throw a pillow at her head.


"Did you have fun?" I ask, but honestly disinterested.

"Oh my gosh yes! We hung out with that hottie after the show!" She practically jumps.


She shrugs her petite shoulders, "You didn't see the extremely gorgeous guy on the stage?!"

Swallowing hard, I look away, "No."

She shakes her head, "you should've stayed," and walks out of my room.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2014 ⏰

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