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A/n: ok, back to posting in this book. I had a crack-shot idea so here. Take this.

Prompt: L gets his wisdom teeth removed and is high off the painkiller. He has the funniest reaction to it.

Sitting in the waiting room, occupying yourself with your phone for the past half hour was pretty boring but you knew it would be worth it to see how L reacted to the pain killers. He was always so serious, you'd never seen him over emotional before so you were curious to know what it'd be like when he finally let go with the help of such a strong painkiller. Sure he was clingy and lovey sometimes, but other than that he was usually very serious.

"Miss (l/n)"

You looked up to see the dentist and you put your phone away to get up and follow him back to the other room.

"How is he?" You asked.

"Loopy, but definitely not the worst we've seen" he replied.

You followed him into the other room where you were met with another dentist and L spaced out of his mind, gauze in his mouth and sitting in the uncomfortable dentist chair.

"Hey" you said.

L looked up at you, still spaced out.

"You ok?" You asked.

He thought for a moment, then nodded.

"He should be fine, it'll be a bit sore after the pain killer wares off but it's normal. Unless it lasts longer than it should. He can eat soft foods like ice cream and such but avoid things like apples for a day or two" the dentist asked.

"Wait I can have ice cream?" L said, muffled from the gauze.

"Yes, as long as you're not bleeding. I'd give it maybe 10 minutes before you eat anything"

He's eyes lit up like a small child.

"(Y/n) can we get ice cream!"

"Maybe later" you giggled.

Quickly finishing up with dental records, it was back to taskforce you went. You already knew there was no way he could work like this. Starting the drive back it was quiet. As L spaced out while starting out the window, he does that anyway, but it was a lot more of a blank expression while high off his ass on painkiller.

"You are you're good?" You asked.

"Yeah... I'm good. Where are we going?" He asked.

"Home, ice cream later"


"Are you sore?"


The painkiller must still be in effect. He seemed so dazed, like he'd just woken up in an new country.

"What are we going to do?" He asked.

"When we get back? Well you can't work like this so you'll have to occupy yourself some other way"

He was silent for a moment, looking confused.

"What's my job?" He asked.

You snickered, wondering how much he'd forgotten about himself in his high ass state.

"You're a detective" you said.

"I'm a freaking detective?!"

You kept your laughter back but it threatened to spill out.

"Yes. The worlds greatest"

"And I can't work because why?"

"You just had your wisdom teeth out?" You giggled.

L Lawliet x Reader Oneshots 3  // Series 2 • Death Note [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now