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     "Polly took me to the doctor." He sheepishly admitted, watching Tommy unscrew the top and sniff the pungent whiff of the syrup.

     Tommy looked up at him with disapproval. "Same stuff they used to give us in the trenches to stop us wanking."

     "Polly said I need it for my temper. It slows me down."

      His brother nodded gently, and then very deliberately poured the contents of the bottle into the gutter, the thick and syrupy liquid slowly trickling into the abyss. Theres no hiding of shame on Arthurs face as he begrudgingly accepts Tommys decision.

      "Some things Polly doesn't understand. I need you fast, not slow." The tone of his voice left no room for discussion.

     The front door finally flew open, procuring a small cheer from Cat.

     "She wouldn't let go of my fucking leg." John grumbled, half angry, half embarrassed his brothers witnessed his daily scuffle with Esme. They already seemed to have labeled him henpecked.

     "You're sure it was your leg?"

     "Did you leave her your balls, for safekeeping?" Cat smiled innocently.

      "Oh fuck off." He drawled, facing Thomas once his shirt was finally buttoned up. "She's against this Tom. She's got opinions."

       "Nothing wrong with opinions, John."

     "Unless the opinion is shit." Sang Cat, putting out the but of her cigarette with the sole of her shoe and climbing on the backseat.

    With a flip of his wrist Tommy threw the now empty bottle of medicine into the bin, the bottle crashing on impact.

     They pull down the roof of the car, letting the first rays of spring warm them as the car sped through the city, completely disregarding the safety limit.

     "The Peaky boys are going on fucking holiday!" Arthur hollered, a beer bottle in hand swinging so wildly that Tommy and John had drag him down.

     "Oi you mad bastard! Sit down!" Caterina barked at the tall man, holding her hat with one hand to keep it from flying off mid drive as Tommy practically raced to the open road.


     The rustling of golden bundles of wheat on the light breeze wormed a smile onto Caterina's face, for a moment transporting here somewhere far away. It also quite successfully blocked out the sound of boys pissing several feet away.

     "You know what Tommy? Esme's bloody right. You can't beat the country."

     "Shame we're with a car and not a horse. I can only imagine riding through these fields." She sighed dreamily. For all they worked with horses, she could hardly remember the last time she went out into the country and felt the wind flow through her hair.

      "I want to live in the country as well." Arthur admitted, zipping up his pants, the three of them walking back to the car. "And I want to keep chickens."

     Caterina leaned on the hood of the car, a cigarette lazily placed between her fingers. Midday sun kissed her face like a gentle lover, and she opened one eye to stare quizzically at the oldest Shelby. "What's with the bloody chickens?"

     "Fucking chickens.." Tommy muttered disapprovingly. The business was thriving, on the brink of an expansion and all his brothers could think of is taking the easier road.

𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 ♛ thomas shelbyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя