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He had learned quite a bit about you. Even the littlest of details. And, he'd be lying if he said that his interest wasn't piqued.

You had a bit of intellect to you. Much more than Sophie, that's for sure. That would definitely make this process easier for him. It seemed like he had made a good choice indeed. You were quite attractive, had a good amount of charm, and he could actually see himself holding a conversation with you.

Much like how he was now.

You answered any questions you had, while he had only told you his name.

He found himself having a wonderful time with you. Japeth could tell that you were being extremely cautious with the things you told him.

All too soon, your conversation had to end.

Japeth made his way to the door. "See you soon, love." Then those black creatures came over his face and formed into his green mask.

Then he left, and locked the door tight behind him.

With nothing else to do, and, although a bit ashamed of admitting this, since you felt more comfortable, you decided to grab a book from Japeth's collection. You settled yourself on the bed and started to read.

"That stupid, blonde wench!"

You were startled from you slumber as Japeth slammed the door open.

His boots stomped against the ground as he made his way to the rest room. You tried to hide the fact that you were sleeping while you heard the sink running.

When he stormed back into the room, his eyes landed on you. For a moment, you could've sworn that you saw his features soften. But all too soon, he turned away from you. "Sorry about waking you, darling."

He faced the floor length mirror in the room and straightened out his hair. He brushed off his suit as well before turning to face you.

"I swear, Sophie may be able to heal me, but she might as well be the death of me."


Your voice was very quiet, and you hadn't even meant for that word to be spoken out loud, but you couldn't help your curiosity.

His gaze met yours and a soft smile came onto his face. "Oh, my sweet, little, [Y/n], don't let my babbling trouble your head." As he spoke, he had came to your side and gently held your head in his hands.

"Now," he let your head drop, "since you are going to be my future wife, I believe you're smart enough to realize that you can't tell anyone about some of the things going on inside the castle, right?" He gave you a side glance. He knew you were going to think of your next words very carefully.

With a gulp you answered, "Well, of course not. It's not like any of this would cause a ruckus anyway, right? I mean, who wouldn't trust King Rhian and his loyal right hand man Japeth?" His smile came back to his face, "As far as I'm concerned, everything you two are doing is for the good of the kingdom-"

He grabbed both of your hands, "Our kingdom, love." It seemed that your answer had satisfied him.

"Yes. Our kingdom." You sat up a bit and leaned closer to place a kiss onto his cheek.

When you tried to pull back, one of his hands went up to caress your face. Then, he leaned in to place a quick kiss against your lips. He held you close as he continued to observe your features.

"Well, I believe it is time for dinner."

His voice broke you out of your trance. Japeth held out a hand for you, and you lifted yourself off of the bed and took it.

You held onto his arm as he led you down to the dining room. However, you were distracted from one thought pounding through your head.

'Why had you kissed him? There was no need for that. But...Why did it also feel so nice?'

The 'Eagle' and His Bride [Japeth Sader x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now