"Man, I'm so pumped to be here!" Denki said with a beaming smile. "It's a good thing we got here early enough to save this spot."

"Yeah I can't believe how crowded it is right now," you observed. "Any idea when the first act is gonna start?"

"They should be starting in about 15 minutes but these things almost never start on time," Monoma said. He looked you over. "You look really nice by the way."

"Thanks," you smiled. 

"Ugh! Can this just start already?" Jiro grumbled. "I just wanna dance!"

"Whoa chill, babe," Denki chuckled. "It'll start soon."

    Your eyebrows definitely raised when you heard Denki call Jiro "babe." You wondered how close those two had gotten on that beach trip. You were going to ask Jiro about it later for sure to confirm what you were thinking. In the meantime, you were also jumping from excitement waiting for the concert to start. Behind you, you felt someone tap your shoulder. 

"Shinso?" you said confused. "Why are you here?"

"Cause I knew you'd be here," he said earnestly. "I know things didn't end well with us on that trip. You didn't respond to my texts or calls..."

"I felt like I had nothing to say," you shrugged. 

    You could sense Monoma eavesdropping in on your conversation. With a sigh, you dragged Shinso away from them. Instead of facing the center of the stage, you were both now on the left hand side. You didn't plan on staying with Shinso for too long, but you wanted to have quick conversation with him without any drama starting because of Monoma. You wanted to have fun at this concert with your friends and that was it. 

"So what's up?"

Now it was your turn to sound like you didn't care. 

"What's up is that I need to talk to you," he said seriously. 

"Well frankly Shinso, I don't feel like talking to you. Not at a concert where I'm trying to have fun with my friends. Not even tonight on the phone. I'm done hearing your dumb excuses."

"(Name), please-"

There was a large bang as sparklers went off on the stage. The crowd erupted into a loud roar of cheers and claps. The concert was finally starting with its first act. Now you needed to get back to your friends because you weren't going to miss out dancing with Jiro to your favorite new artist. 

"Look," you managed to talk over the crowd. "Doja Kat is on and I just wanna dance with my friends. I think it's best we stop trying to do whatever it was we were doing before. Goodbye, Shinso."

As you were turning to leave, he grabbed your arm and pulled you back to face him. You were ready to yell at him but the look in his eyes made you stop. Something was definitely off about Shinso. Every fiber in your body was on alert. He pulled you closer towards him to talk near your ear. 

"I know you don't want to talk to me but please, just one last time I need to explain everything. I kept somethings from you and I shouldn't have. All I can say is, stay away from Yaoyorozu. I mean it," he stated in all seriousness. 

You looked at him confused. "Why are you telling me this when she always sticks around you? If you really want me to be away from her, then you need to get away from me."

He rolled his eyes. "I don't have time for this. I'm not even supposed to be here right now." He quickly composed himself. "Look you're right, she does follow me but this time I managed to shake her off. I gotta go now, (Name)." He reluctantly let you, his eyes shifting around the two of you as he scanned the crowd. "When you have the chance to talk, please call me. After we talk, I promise it'll be the last time."

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