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"A few herbs for the final touch.There."I set the hot food on a plate, a salad by the eggs and bacon I made, plus croutons by the side in case she would like any that's when I heard knocking at my door"Yes, please come in!"

Then, not even a second later the door opened to reveal the nice lady that's been baking fluffy soft, sweet bread"Good morning, [Y/N] Here, I have your fresh-baked bread."A smile made it's way to my face"That looks great!" "I'll leave it right here"

I nodded and quickly grabbed the food I had made for her."I have something for you, too!"Once she saw the food her face looked like it was about to light up in fireworks!"Mmm... That smells so good. It looks like a cure-all."

I smiled, face to face we just started talking about how it would help "This stuff will even make your skin smoother!" "That'd be nice!"We both just started laughing for no reason at all "Do you enjoy living in Clariness so far?"

"Yes! In fact, I thought I'd start looking for a job today."a little chuckle popped right out of my mouth."Sounds like a, smart plan. After all, if we wanna eat we have to work, don't we?"I nodded"Right!"

"Good luck! Have a great day!"Once she walked out of the place i was staying at i bowed my head"Thanks! You, too!"i sighed and wondered on over to one of my windows looking out it 'Wistal, the capital of Clariness, and right now, my sanctuary. Because of my unique hair,the prince of Tanbarun tried to force me to be his Concubine.'

'So i fled my home country to start a new life in this kingdom. I had planned to go along with whatever fate decided for me, but Zen, the second Prince Of Clariness, helped me to discover that I still have a choice. So, here I am. In the country I choose. In the city I choose. On the road I choose.

So, I grabbed my things and of course my lucky satchel and headed out the door onto the road to look for a job! Not bothering to wear a hood to cover my blue hair. " A Gardner. A Painter. A carriage repair worker,. These aren't right, but this might be."I looked up to see that there was a herbalist station meaning other herbalist worked there, so I wandered on in to see if they we're free to have another young herbalist work here.

"You're a herbalist?"A nice young man asked giving my hair a good look" Yes, I would very much like to work here. If I can!"A smile plastered itself on my face as the guy pushed up his glasses'maybe i have a chance!' "Hmm. . . Unfortunately, we don't need anyone, now. Besides, that hair.... ... .. ."

'So I was correct it was my hair' my eyes drifted to the floor taking in a breath, hearing the women next to him say " You can't judge someone just based on there looks, dear. What would our customers think if they heard you?"The man gave me a little head pat"Yes, you're right. Very sorry."Then moving straight on, paying attention to another customer leaving me there to take a few glances at the herbs they had .

'They have so many rare medicinal herbs that I can't get back home. Wow.' 'But they have varieties I've never seen before.'

"Thank you for waiting. Is this closer to what you were wanting?"The women said bringing a tray of what looks to be fresh, laird rainbow grass which is rare to find, but mostly seen in the west forest of Tanbarun. "That boy. Is he a regular customer?"He looked to be about 10. . . . No wait, 12 seems more like it.

"Indeed. He's still young, but he's already a very respected court herbalist. "My eyes went wider, still looking at the boy"Oh, really!"Then when I turned my attention back to the male, the only thing he kept looking at was my hair'this guys a creep'

"Yes, listen closely, not everyone knows this"the weird man brought his face closer to mine whispering "But only the most knowledgeable, gifted and skillful herbalists will ever be considered for a valued position working in the court. Clariness is a country with deep pockets, they will assist talented people."

That One Girl [Zen  X. Reader] SLOW EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now