chapter 2

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In the morning, all of them started to wake up. They stand up and adjust their vision. Dizziness still remain. Confusion are visible on their faces.

What happened? Why they're on the floor? Did they fight until all of them passed out?

Question after question start to appear. Adding more to their dizziness which caused them headache.

Then they remember 'fully' about what happened last night.


All of them except Tenn, shout. Sogo, Iori and Tamaki run to Riku's room to check on him. The others stay because if all of them go, it might get cramped for them.

Just when they're about to relax a little, Sogo run back to the living room. Anxiousness is obvious on his face.

"Everyone! Come see this!"-Sogo

Ar first, they are confused by Sogo's behavior. Then, after hearing what Sogo said, plus with him being one of people that check on Riku, they become worry and start following Sogo.

They arrived in front of Riku's room. Iori and Tamaki also there. The door is closed. This make all of them become more worried.

" What happened?"

The three of them keep quiet. Anxious and worry, Tenn run to Riku's room and open it. Only to find that...













..Riku is not there! Instead, the room doesn't look like Riku's room. There's boxes and some other stuff there.

All of them were shocked and confused. Why Riku's room look like a store room. They all search the whole dorm but there's still no trace of Riku nor sign of him. They also noticed that the dorm feels a little different.

When they about to give up searching in the dorm, there's a knock on the door. Sogo went and open it. Its their managers, Tsumugi, Anesagi, Rinto and Banri. Sogo let them inside and the managers sit on the sofa.

"Manager what's the matter?"-mitsuki

" Well because all of you are busy for the past weeks, you get a full week off!"-tsumugi


"Manager, do you know where is Nanase-san?"-iori


"Who's Nanase-san?"-tsumugi

" Manager please don't joke around"-yamato

"But i really don't know him!"-tsumugi

" What do you mean?"-sogo

"Manager, don't you remember Rikkun?"-tamaki

" Rikkun???????"-tsumugi

"You know, Nanase Riku?"-ryuu

The managers have a big question mark on their head which really make them more confuse. They want to think that their managers are just joking but then they throught that the managers never joke around.

" What happened to the room over there"-minami

Minami said while pointing to Riku's room.

"That room? You make that as the store room"-tsumugi

"What about Nanase Riku? He have red hair and crimson eyes. Looks cute and innocent. Don't you remember?"-gaku

The managers shook their head. This time, Iori have a little theory and just need to confirm it.

" Nanase Riku, the center of Idolish7?"-iori

"Wait, center? Wasn't it you the center, iori?"-rinto

" And idolish7? As long as i know, you are idolish6, not idolish7"-anesagi

Hearing this, the idols look really shock. Don't know how many times they were shocked already but this is the shocking one.

"Ah look at the time! We have a meeting in 10 minutes so we need to go. Bye!"-anesagi

The managers left the dorm with the dumbfounded idols. They really, really, really confused right now.

" Ok I'm really confused right now"-touma

"Its not just you"-haruka

"What the hell is going on?"-gaku

While they keep questioning each other, Tenn and Iori are on their thinking mode. Ignoring the noisy people that's about to get crazy.

" I think we're on different dimension"-tenn&iori

"What?"-i7,TRG,Revale&zool except tenn&iori

" What crap are you talking about brat?"-gaku

"It just my theory soba man"-tenn

" Why you-!"-gaku

"Ok guys stop! Its not the time to fight!"- Ryuu

" Is that even possible?"-yuki

"Momo only read it in novels. Never thought it was real"-momo

"Just think about it, Nanase-san's room is the store room and the managers didn't know Nanase-san"-iori

"To add that, they said you are Idolish6, not idolish7 and Izumi iori is the center"-tenn

They are dumbfounded. One because they really are in a different dimension. And two, because Tenn and Iori is thinking the same thought which is rare to be said.

"If what they said is true, then, that's means Riku wasn't an idol?"-minami

" That may be right. If Riku is an idol from another agency, the managers will mention it but they didn't. Then that means that Riku wasn't an idol"-sogo

"So what now?-touma

"We find Riku"-tenn

"And how we're gonna do that?"-torao

" Well, looks like we're gonna meet my old man"-gaku

Gaku said while standing up and stretch himself. The others only look at him like a crazy person. Well, except for Trigger and Revale.


" Are you crazy?"-touma

"I don't wanna. Gakkun's dad is scary"-tamaki

" Aww come on! He's not that bad! He's actually a good guy!"-momo


" Hey, if you want to search for someone, my old man is the right person. He have lots of connection, including from outside country"-gaku

"Oh! Is that how he know im a prince?"-nagi

" Uhhh maybe?"-gaku

"Well then. Guess we're gonna meet him. The president of Yaotome Production"-yamato

"I'm not ready"-tamaki

" Don't worry Tamaki-kun. We will also be there"-sogo

"How you're gonna ask him to find Nanase-san?"-iori

"I didn't say I'm gonna ask him"-gaku

The statement already make them sweating. They really aren't ready for what gonna happen.


Ok ok i know its not realistic but just go with the flow ok?

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