Chapter One- Let The Bands Begin

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"I was 17 years old when my band What first got signed, me on lead vocals and guitar, my twin brother Chase on vocals and Lead Guitar, Seth Blackheart our childhood friend on Piano, Synth and vocals, Dana Park our high school friend on bass and Vocals and Hyo Lee our High school exchange student who not only became our friend but also could play when we established in 1984 we were only 16, but on a really weird and silly coincidence we got spotted by a talent agency at a talent contest in our town of Mentor, but in a darker note Months prior, I was caught Cutting myself, I had been doing it over a year and I had cuts up and down the insides of my arm, I never cut my outer arms or my legs, and I didn't do it often, only when I had anxiety or was depressed, on August 3rd 1984 a few weeks after our band formed my parents caught me lying on the floor holding my left wrist with a lot of blood coming out, I thought I was going to die but thank God I didn't, As I was laying in the hospital bed my Twin and our band mates came in, I thought they were going to kick me out of the band but no, they came in with balloons and flowers and nothing but love and compassion, I had to stay in therapy for a 3 weeks and in those 3 weeks I wrote so many songs, and when I got out we went to work and worked hard on the songs I wrote, and after that the rest is history, in 1984 we were in the recording studio finishing up our first album and All of a sudden Motlëy Crew came in, they took one look at us and smirked, we were a bunch of 16 year olds and they were all in their early 20's so to them we were a bunch of stupid kids, or so I thought, keep in mind that I was 16 and these men were in their 20's, they openly flirted with me, but I have always said they didn't try anything since I was a minor, and they knew their asses would get hauled off, but during that time I went through some changes, I dyed my hair Pink, since all the girls on the sunset strip either had Blonde, Brown or black hair, but Pink? Ha these girls didn't have a chance, I also got tattoos, on my arms and where I had my cuts, my left inner arm says "Never Again" and my right inner arm says"Don't do it again", in 1985 is when it got interesting, my band had just finished our second album, and I was now 17 years old, so I could date whom ever I wanted in California , all these long blonde and black haired dudes with muscles and tans and tattoos were calling my name, my brother told me to stay away from them, saying things like, they don't seriously date, they only like me for sex, they drink obsessively, they party all night, and sleep with anything that moves, but I didn't listen, let's start off with my first relationship, Nikki sixx, every member of Motley Crue wanted to date me but it was Nikki who got me, Nikki was charming and he always knew what to say, he was the one who took my virginity so I did love him, he was also my first kiss as well, we went parting all the time,and we were all having fun, but in the summer of 85 something big happened, and her name was Tipper Gore, and he super league of buzz kills, wanted to censor our voices, it was a trying time, anytime Tipper could get her digs in she could, she once called me Suicide Promoter, because of my song Caught myself, I stood in front of the congress and poured my heart out, to these people.

Graces Speech to the congress in '85

"I am here today to ask you to really think about this, me and like all my fellow metal bands want to say, How dare you, How dare you try to silence us, how dare you try to take our right to free speech, just because you don't like us or agree with us doesn't mean you get to pick and choose who gets amendments, my song Caught myself is about me being in a mental hospital at the age of 16 after surviving cutting myself, there are more like me, who need someone to say, I understand where you are coming from and I hear you, and you are trying to silence that, I think you would see less and less of kids harming themselves, it's really sad that us artists have to speak to your kids but you don't, talking about Suicide is not a bad thing, it brings awareness, and I hope you give us the chance to show you that we are not the villains you make us out to be."

The congress didn't take my advise and continued on, there was a settlement, but no one was really happy about it, and to make matters worse, Nikki broke up with me, and moved on to some other groupie, I was extremely heartbroken and of course I wrote a song about it, which ended with us just being friends, but I didn't stay single for long because I moved on to another man, a very sweet and wonderful man. 

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