“What the hell is this?” she demanded as she tried not to let him realise how freaked out she was by this turn of events.

“Open it and find out,” he suggested.

Bex glared at him but did as he said. She took the jewellery box from him and opened it, only to gasp in surprise at the gorgeous diamond ring that lay within. It was delicate and understated but beautiful and if she had ever chosen a ring for herself then this would have been it. But she would have wanted the love of her life to offer her this ring not Alex.

“What the hell?” she demanded and he grinned.

“Marry me,” he said softly and she opened her mouth to tell him that he was completely insane when suddenly a flash of light went off.  Bex could only look on in shock as the paparazzi finally tracked her down and took several pictures of them both. She could only imagine what the papers would be printing the next day.

She was stunned when Alex caught her to him and placed a kiss upon her soft lips before pushing her back towards the club. She expected him to follow her in but he quietly informed her that he would handle the paparazzi before disappearing back outside. It was only then that Bex realised she was still holding the jewellery box and expensive ring.

Bex didn’t hang around for long after that. Instead she headed for home before either the paparazzi or Alex could follow her. She didn’t know which one would be worse but she didn’t want to face anyone right now. Trust Alex to ruin what was turning out to be a good birthday.

Considering that she didn’t lack for money her home was actually quite modest. She owned a two bedroomed flat that was tastefully decorated. She shared the flat with her best friend Maya. They had been friends since they were twelve when they had both bonded over the injustice of being forced to go to boarding school. That bond had lasted the years and they were closer than ever although their lives tended to lead in different directions. Maya had gone the good Samaritan way and had dedicated her life to becoming a doctor. She studied hard and now that her dream was so close she spent a lot of time at the hospital meaning she was hardly around now. Bex had gone the opposite way. She had spent a few years drifting and spending her father’s money as she tried to decide what she wanted to do with her life. Surprisingly it was her father and Alex’s disapproval of her lifestyle that had made her decision for her. She had purchased herself a failing club in the centre of London and had turned it in to a successful nightclub. Not that anybody realised she owned it. It was more fun to have everyone disapprove of her lifestyle when they thought that she spent all her time in bars. In reality she would prefer a quiet night at home but her appearances at the clubs usually doubled her profits for the night. Apparently wherever the Franklin heiress went for her night out was the place to be and she had ensured that several of her friends frequented her night club. They got free drinks all night and she doubled her profits from the fools who thought that being near someone rich meant they had made the big time.

Bex was surprised when she entered the flat that Maya was still up. Flopping on to the sofa opposite her Bex gave a dramatic sigh that had Maya tearing herself away from the book she was reading to give her a questioning look.

“You’re home early,” Maya commented and Bex sighed again.

“I think I just got engaged,” she told her and Maya grinned at that.

“You think? Shouldn’t you know if you were engaged?” she asked and Bex shrugged.

“It all happened so fast. There was a ring and a proposal and then paparazzi. Do you think that means I’m engaged? I don’t want to be engaged,” she said with yet another sigh and Maya laughed.

“Did you accept the proposal?”

“I don’t think so. I mean he kissed me but I didn’t say yes. That means I’m not engaged right?” Bex questioned.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2014 ⏰

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