CHAPTER TWO: To Market, To Market

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"Your bracelet is really pretty." 

Eri was seated in the back of the car, happily chatting to (Y/N) as we drove along. The two had hit it off immediately, which was great, except that meant that I was stuck in the front with Nishiya. 
"Aw, thanks! I made it myself. Hey, once we get back home, how about I make you one, too? We can match!" (Y/N) grinned widely, and I couldn't help but gaze at her in the revision mirror.

"Eyes front." Nishiya warned me with a growl, and I begrudgingly complied, readjusting my hands on the wheel. I could smell the scent of her shampoo as it wafted past me and out my open window, and it was incredibly distracting. 
"Woah, look! Big truck things!" Eri drew our attention to the other side of the road, just as two large armed vehicles flew by, way over the speed limit. 

"Wow, they're in a hurry…" I mused, flinching and moving further to the edge of the road as more began to fly by, seemingly out of nowhere. It was a whole convoy of them, zooming as fast as they could back in the direction we had come from. 
"You heard the rumors about the Yuuei army base, right?" Glancing to Nishiya, I snorted, moving my hands back to ten and two.
"Which ones? There's a list of things they supposedly do up on that mountain. From alien research to international swinger parties." With a short laugh, the man folded his arms and leaned back into his seat, watching the road ahead. 
"Yeah, small town folk, huh?" 

I'm small town folk, you asshole… 

"Toshi, what's a swinger party?" I bit my lip when Eri questioned me, and when I glanced into the review mirror I could see (Y/N) trying not to break into hysterics. 
"Uh, nothing you need to worry about, Squirt. Big people stuff." Of course, I set myself up for a real bash to my ego. The kind that only little sisters were capable of giving. 
"Like the book of pretty ladies with big boobies under your bed?" 

This time, (Y/N) couldn't hold in her laughter, and Nishiya had a bit of a chuckle at my expense. Even Eri started laughing, even though she obviously had no idea what was so funny. 
"Y..yep...just like that…" I sighed, voice having raised a few octaves. "Thanks for sharing that with everyone, Eri…" In the mirror, I could see her smiling happily, eyes closed. 
"You're welcome!" 

I felt relieved once I pulled into the parking lot, including my belt and pocketing my keys before jumping out to get Eri out. Before I had the chance, (Y/N) was already on it, guiding the girl down and setting her on the ground. 
"Oh, uh, thanks." I gave her a smile, and she returned it, which made the tips of my ears grow warm and tingly. Eri glanced between us for a second before making a move to grab my hand at the same time she grabbed (Y/N)'s. 
"Come on, come on! No diggy dabbying!" 

I'm not even going to correct her at this point. 

"Okay okay, hang on, Squirt. I gotta text Ai...Dad, because I forgot to check if we needed milk." I chuckled, digging my phone from my jean pocket. Upon unlocking it, I quickly realised I had no service. "Huh...signal went and died on me." (Y/N) hummed in acknowledgement, her own phone out. 
"Same here...Storm must've fried the tower." 

Nishiya nudged me in the ribs, a little too hard for my liking, and pointed across the road. 
"There's a payphone over there." Well, it would have to do. Looking down at Eri, then back up to the (H/C) girl, I opened my mouth to speak, but yet again she beat me to it.
"Go on. Eri's fine with me, I promise. You okay tagging along with me for a minute, right, sweetie?" 

Eri's nod was enthusiastic, and I likely would have felt a little hurt when she willingly released my hand if it hadn't been in favour for (Y/N)'s. Because same, kid. Same. 
"Alright, thanks. I'll meet you guys in there. Here, Squirt." I handed my sister the shopping list and started over towards the phone box, hands again finding their way into my pockets. 

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