Chapter 2

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It had been two weeks since we started working on this case. We haven’t had much luck with getting more information but Levi was planning to meet up with this ‘person’ he told me about, but he wasn’t convinced to let me go with him but i was planning on changing that.

“Really four eyes you really want to go with me.”

“Yes I do Levi and who is this person anyway?”

“He is a friend of Mikes but you need to be careful with the information he tells us, he will either tell us the straight truth or the complete opposite and then we have to work out what he was telling us.”

“So thats why I’m coming its so I can work out what he's telling us.”

“Ha ha.” He said sarcastically. “We need to get going.”


“Yes Hanji.”

“Its eleven at night isn’t that a little late.”

Levi rolled his eyes. “Hanji do you want this information?”


“Well grab your coat it’s going to be cold out side.”

We took a cab down town until we stopped at a night club. Levi walked up to the bouncer and said some stuff to him in french. He motioned for me and Levi to follow him as eh led us through the night club. In side it was boiling hot with horribly loud music coming from the Dj across the room. Eventually after walking through a crowd of sweaty drunks we got to a door. The bouncer said something to Levi and french and then opened to door for us.

The room was cold. There was scaffolding all around the room and giant lights hanging from the ceiling. At the end of the room there was desk with a middle aged sitting behind it. He had a huge scar on his face that went from the corner of his eye to his chin. All around him stood some men with back suits and guns.

“Ah Rivaille what a surprise.” He spoke with a thick ascent that I couldn’t work out

“Erwin don’t act surprised you know why I am here.”

“I do dont I Rivaille.”

“Its Levi.”

“Well then Levi I will tell you what you and your little friend need to know.”

Erwin opened up a draw from his desk and pulled out a piece of paper and a pistol.

“Michael hasn’t seen me in a wile but I have had my men watching him, He hasn’t been to your mothers house since he threatened her last year.”

“Erwin you have got to have more information then that.”

“Levi did I say i was done talking?”

“Tch no.”

“Anyway He hasn’t been in NewYork for a wile now actually not even for your mothers funereally heck I don’t even think he knows she's dead, and now Levi that is all I know.”

“Well then we will be off lets go Hanji.” Levi grabbed my arm and started dragging me to the door. But Erwin stopped us.

“Hanji Zoë eh.” He started. “She works for the police GET HER.”

Then we ran straight for the door.

We did get to far until shots where fired at us. The men didn't have a very good aim so they just ran to us instead. One came up behind me and grabbed my arm. He had a knife in his hand tried to stab me but Levi punched the guy in the jaw. He fell to the ground and this time we really made it out the door. We yet again had to go through the night club get really get out.

We got a taxi back to the apartment. I start to feel a pain in my arm. I grab onto it and wince in pain.

“OH god Hanji.”


“Your arm it’s horrible.” He pulled out a white cloth from his pocket. “I will fix it when we are back at the apartment, in the mean time apply pressure with this.”



“Im not stupid now give me that before I bleed to death.”

He just rolled his eyes and we didn’t talk for the rest of the taxi ride.

As soon as we got into the apartment Levi ran into the bathroom to get his first aid kit. I sat on the couch and pulled off my coat and rolled up my sleeve. Levi sat down and started to clean the wound.

“You are going to need stitches.”

“We should goto ascendent and emergency.”

“No if they find out we where with Erwin we will be arrested.”

I looked at Levi and released what he was going to do.

“Levi you are not a doctor.”

“I know what I am doing I have given myself stitches and my mother plenty of times.”


“Shut up four eyes.”

The stitches where done half an hour later. My arm had a dull ache starting at my forearm and ending close to my wrist. Levi had to shove a white cloth in my mouth to stop me from screaming. I started to think about what Erwin had told us. He seemed to be telling the truth but Levi did say that sometimes he would tell the complete opposite leaving you with an annoying riddle.

“Was he telling the truth?” I asked



He got up and retrieved the files from his book shelf. “Erwin was defiantly telling the truth but he was doing the whole opposite information thing.” 

He started pacing around the room flipping though the notes and documents until he found the one he needed.

“So Mike was at the funeral and he said she threatened him so obviously he was starting threaten her but why.”

“Mum never liked Mikes criminal past and she tried to contact the police many times but he stopped her, so she might have tried again.”

We both stopped to think.“Mike would have know she was going to do it he is very intelligent…But why not just stop her why kill her who could kill their own mother.”

Levi looked down and sighed. “Mike and my mother never got along, he was always so reckless and always had to get his way, so when she didn’t approve of his communal work like any normal mum he snapped at her.”

“So they probably had a fight and then in the heat of the argument mike killed your mother.”

Levi looked up at me and started to walk over to me. He didn’t say anything for another few minuets until he whispered “Yes.”

“Yes what?”

“Tch your an idiot sometimes four eyes it all makes sense now Mike had to have done it she had no enemies or other reasons to get killed.”


Woops looks like I havn't updated in a month. But don't worry you will definatly be seeing more of me soon as school is going to finish in 5 days *has a dance party on school desk*. So this first part of the book is going to end really soon so if any of you lovely people have any segestions please comment them below.

Untill next time xx

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