Day 4: Truth

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    A slow steady knock bounced off the walls of Kinana's small apartment in Fairy Hills. Her boyfriend Cobra had been living there in secret for the past week. He was currently reading a book when Kinana bustled out her room.

    "Hide! And hurry, someone's at the door!" she whisper yelled. Cobra dropped his book and went to hide in a vertical pantry nearby. The knock resounded once again as a distinctive voice spoke, " Who are you telling to hide Kinana?!"

   Kinana paced around the room hesitantly scared that of the person came in, Cobra and her would be in big trouble. "If you don't open this door within the next few seconds, I'll get it down myself!" she threatened.

    She stood at a safe distance from the door confident that she was just bluffing. But just in case she wasn't she stood away. Apparently with great ease, the said person broke the door down and stepped inside with a glare that could kill.

   Titania Queen Erza stood in the doorway with her Heaven's Wheel Armour on with about 10 swords rotating around her. And about 10 more impaled in the door. "Who is the person that has no business in Fairy Hills?" her voice was loud and clear.

   When she didn't respond, Erza checked around the room herself. She opened cupboards, pulled drawers, and was actually convinced that someone could fit inside a cereal box so she checked that too. Kinana shivered and her heart beat faster than ever before when Erza neared the pantry Cobra was hiding at.

   Erza yanked it open, sword at the ready to stab anyone who was inside. Her eyes grew wide wearing the same expression as Cobra who had a dear in headlights look on his face. Erza looked ready to cut off his head when she pulled him out by his collar and hoisted him in front of Kinana.

   "Erza, I can explain..." Kinana stuttered.

   "No you can not! He's a criminal!" she shook him in the air.

    "He got out of prison! He just came to visit me! Please spare him!" Kinana begged.

    Realization dawned on Erza as she placed Cobra down on the ground with a sigh. And surprisingly....teary eyes....? "That is so sweet...." she patted his shoulder, her former strong voice cracking. 

   She quickly gained her composure back, and straightened herself. "Still, this is a girls only condominium. Obviously, Cobra is a male. There's a problem" she stated.


   "I know..." Kinana held her head low in defeat.

    "How long would he be staying?"

    "Only for the rest of the week" Cobra finished sadly.

       Erza's eyes sank, "But after all this time....You were just reunited..." she looked between the two. "That's terrible....Why?"

     "Jellal said we need to go in more missions to get money" Cobra explained.

     "I see"

      "Erza please don't tell anyone. I can't afford to be separated from Erik any longer..." Kinana almost broke in to tears.


     "It's for a week.... I can keep a secret until then" Erza finalized the situation.

    "Oh thank you Erza! So much! Really!" Kinana hugged her tightly.

   Erza patted her back but soon let go to bid them her goodbyes. "Good luck in your relationship! "

    Now Erza just needed to find Jellal. And slap him for ruining the couple's long awaited love....

What We Used to Be( Cobra x Kinana Fanfic )[ COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now