Guess who's back!

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It has been 4 years later and John is 7. Amy has completed her degrees, and has only visited her home. Anne has found a woman, George has started seeing Kathleen, and Ricky is dating Clemetine.

(Amy's POV)

I had boxed everything up. It is my last night in New York then I will be heading home. My time here has been wonderful. I have made so many friends, and I got some of the best teachers ever. Only bad thing was that I lived next to Ben whom would frequently stop by without warning, even though he is seeing Maria. I will sure miss it here, but I am glad I can finally go home. I plan on getting a job as either a teacher or a counselor at a high-school, and getting an apartment for John and I.

I woke up and got ready straight away. I had turned off the last set of lights and walked out the door.

"Where are you going?" Ben said abruptly, causing me to jump.

"I am leaving." I replied walking up to him and placing the keys in his hand.

"You're moving out?!" Ben said looking at the keys shocked.

"Yep! I got my degree and I am heading home, so bye!" I said walking out the exit.

I caught a cab and rode to the air port. I went through the security check quickly and I called my mom to let her know what time I would arrive in California. Then I boarded the plane. My flight is about 7 hours long, so I decided to get in some more sleep.

The plane landed and I exited off the plane. Everything was so familiar. As soon as I walked off the plane, I saw My mom, dad and John. I ran up to them.

"I have missed you all so much!" I said hugging my mom, then my dad.

"We have missed you so much! We are glad you decided to come home!" My mom said looking down at John, who was hugging my leg.

"My little boy!" I said picking him up. "You are heavy!"

"Mommy! I missed you!" John said, embracing me.

"I missed you too, you have no idea." I said kissing his cheek and putting him down.

"Meghan is in the car outside, so we should head on out." Anne said picking up some of my bags.

"Alright." I said picking up another bag, and grabbing John's hand.

We packed the stuff to the car and I sat in the back with John. My dad drove home to Kathleen. I arrived at my mom's cozy 3 bedroom home. I unpacked my things and showered. I had a few hours before John would have to go to bed so I took John out. We got ice cream and he played at the park. It felt good to be home.  I could only hope I wouldn't run into a certain someone, but it is kind of hard considering you share a child with them. I don't mean it in a bad way though, Ricky and I are friends but this would be the first time I would have to be around him for a while.

Around 6:45 I took John to get food at McDonald's. I then drove to the butcher shop. I got out and headed inside, Leo Boykewich was there along with Bunny.

"Amy! It's good to see you back!" Leo said smiling.

"Amy! Welcome back." Bunny said hugging me.

"Thank you all, it is good to be back!" I said hugging Bunny then pulling away.

"Are you back for good?" Leo asked, hoping I would say yes.

"Yup, I am here to stay!" I said gently brushing my finger's through John's hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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