[^ Welcome to..Hell? ^]

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Everything was black. I didn't remember what happened. Wait..Where was Felix? I fluttered my eyes open slowly rubbing my head. I jumped when I saw my hands weren't mine anymore. They were claws. I sat up slowly grunting at some pain. There was a fountain near me at least. I stumbled myself up and walked over to it. I looked down and jumped at myself. I looked horribly different. I had ears on the top of my head. And little horns in the middle. I flattened them looking at my claws again. "What happened?" I looked down at my feet. Hoof looking shoes. I stared at my clothes. A suit with a deer at my chest.The deer's heart was bleeding. I guess that's where I was shot. I looked at my hind. There was a tiny deer tail at my hind. I wagged it. That was the weirdest. I turned around and looked at a big neon sign. Welcome to hell! My eyes widened. "So wait if this is hell were the heck is the torture for all eternity?" I questioned. "NeverMind." I sighed hearing gun shots and many other sounds dealing with torture. My suit had shoulder caps, and the suit chest ended at my collar bone. Fluff was in the spot were it ended. So that was a thing. I continued down the side walk looking at the other people—demons now. A demon tapped my shoulder in a seductive voice. "Hey Strawberry pimp. How about come to my place?"My ears flattened as I turned to look at them. "Oh. You're not him. Sorry toots." I raised my brow tilting my head. "But if you still want to I'm free~" The demon said again taking my chin. I smacked his hand away. "I'm not interested." I said walking past him my tail flowing a bit. I reached a place called Happy Hotel. I knocked on the door. A blonde girl opened it and took me in straight away. "Hi hi! I'm Charlie!" She said while she was taking me by the shoulder. "Uhm..." I mumbled as she talked about if I wanted to work here. "I..I do want to work here.." I stuttered quietly at Charlie's booming words. "Great! Want to be the singer,waiter,or the cleaner?" I stared at her. I was quite good at singing.. "Maybe..Singer?" Charlie bounced up and down. "Good! You just need to give me an example. Right here!" She said pointing right where I was. "Uh..Oh! Uh okay!" I said coughing.

After I was finished Charlie stared at me jaw dropped. "You got the job alright!" She bounced up and down. I was ready for this job. Not what happened after a while..
[^ Time Skippy ^]
Vaggie was sitting on the couch with Porn Star Angel Dust. After the fist fight with Katie KillJoy, Charlie had gone outside to have a phone call. She came back in leaning against the door. I was sitting in the middle of Angel Dust and Vaggie. She'd ask me to sit there so they wouldn't have any fights. I was an obedient demon so I did follow what Vaggie had told me.
Knock knock knock
I sprang up straight turning my head to the corner. I raised my brow and turned the corner. Charlie hesitating, had opened the door. "Hel-" She slammed it then opened it. "Lo!" She slammed it again.
"Hey Vaggie?.." Charlie backed up and turned to Vaggie. "Whaaat?" Vaggie groaned holding her head up in her hand. "The Radio Demon is at the door!" Charlie made a smile and  pointed at it. "WHAT?" Vaggie shot up staring at Charlie with wide eyes.
"What do I do?.." Charlie groaned making her face flop. I ran my hand through my hair groaning.
"Well don't let him in!" Vaggie yelped making it obvious.
She's gonna open it.
Charlie walked to the corner. She opened.The.Door.
Static filled the room instantly. I perked my deer ears at the sound. It was aggravating.
"May I speak now?" A voice boomed into the static and I flattened my ears at the sound. God darn he's loud as hell!
"You may." Charlie said politely before getting pulled into his grasp. "Alastor! Pleasure to meet you sweetheart! Quite a pleasure! Excuse my sudden visit but I saw your fiasco on a picture show! What a performance! Why I haven't been that entertained since the Stock Market Crash of 1929! Hah hah hah! So many Orphans!-" Vaggie came with a spear to the man's throat. She was slightly cursing Spanish.
"Stop right there! [SpAnIsh nOiSeS] I know your game! And I'm not gonna let you hurt anyone here you popish under shit lord!" The man laughed bringing the spear down. "If I wanted to hurt anyone here!...I would have done so already..." The man's voice turned distorted as his powers came through. I hid behind the counter while the others were talking.
"Now where is your hotel staff?" He smiled looking around. "Well..." Charlie nervously smiled. I didn't hear anything while she was calling for me.
"Huh. She was here a minute ago." Charlie rubbed her chin and walked over to the counter.
"Oh! There you are [Y/N]!"
I looked up to Charlie's smiling face. I smiled back sorting out some drinks here and there again.
"Come on! You got to show Alastor who you are!" I raised my brow as she whisper yelled at me.
"Who know?" I really didn't know who the heck this Alastor person was.
"Have you been living in a hole or just don't know him?" She whispered again. I shook my head no.
"I arrived at hell not long of decades ago. I don't know who the hell he is!" I whisper yelled back at her.
She grabbed my arm and lifted me up then pointed to a thin man. He was a deer demon like me. Really the only one I've seen besides me. His hair was red with black tips and two deer ears and horns. He was wearing a tuxedo that was a dark shade of red and striped with a lighter red. The end of the tuxedo was ripped some how. He waved at me with a smile. His teeth were about sharper than a canines. "Hello darling!" He called waving. Vaggie growled at him. It looks like if she had a chance she would bite his hand straight off. I flicked my ear with a smile and waved back. Then started to sort the drinks again. "And you're going to need better than that!" He laughed fixing something on himself. I had forgot the name of what he wore on his face but I brushed it off. "And what can you do my famine fellow?"
"I can suck ya dick!" Radio screeched at his response.

I held back my laugh that was practically heard as insane for some words. I continued my work with a bit of laughter.
"Oh? Do I hear laughter?" The Alastor man looked around at the others before looking at the counter. "Ah Darling. You have a weird sense of humor." I chuckled.
"I'm sorry!— It's just how you said that No!" I laughed covering my mouth.
I wish this happy thing in the hotel could last forever.

I was so...


A\N: I know we hate author notes but hear me out. You know John dying? He wasn't murdered or killed. He did suicide. He stabbed himself to death for some reason. Idk why I did that but I did. Bye!

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