"Well, that depends. Did he do something to upset you?" He asked me seriously. I had never asked Kirishima for advice before, and so I was still a little tense. "He won't leave that stupid nerd alone." I mumbled looking back at the red haired boy, awaiting a reaction. 

All he did was smile softly. "What?" I asked angered by this, as this dude just smiled at my very visible concern. He laughed lightly. Now he was laughing?

"Don't fucking laugh! Just tell me why he makes me so mad, is it really that hard?!" I yelled ready to blast something. I was more irritated than usual, and I didn't want to take it out on my friends but I'm having trouble resisting currently with everything going on.

"Bakubro, do you maybe like Deku? In a romantic way?" 



"The fuck did you just say?" I asked feeling my heart drop. Suddenly a knock on the door was heard, and Kirishima got up to answer it. Kaminari came in happily, and immediately seated to play video games, before Kirishima handed both him and I a controller. 

I lost every round of that game, as I couldn't get those words out of my head. Like and Deku shouldn't even belong in the same sentence! Same paragraph even! It infuriated me greatly that the red haired male would assume that I had felt anything for that idiotic green-haired-boy. 

I let out a groan as I lost another round, as the bet was the loser had to go downstairs and fetch snacks for the others. Obviously as I never go back on my word, I walked downstairs in boxers and a tank-top, and began grabbing snacks. 

"Can you reach it?" I heard a familiar voice state. I turned my head ever-so-slightly to see short little Izuku attempting to reach a box of snacks on the top shelf of a cabinet. Todoroki leaned over him and grabbed it for him, and handed it to him. Deku smiled simply at him and thanked him properly, before running off leaving Todoroki and I alone. He eventually noticed me, and furrowed his eyebrows at me. 

I furrowed my eyebrows back, and felt insanely annoyed. "It annoys me how you haven't even apologized to Deku for almost injuring him." Todoroki states, staring me directly in the eye, slightly intimidating me though I'd never admit that. 

"Well, maybe if you weren't always around, I would!" I blurted without thinking, before walking off quickly. I'm not so dense to not notice how jealous that had come out to be, and it really got on my nerves that I had felt that way. 'What is there to be jealous of?' I thought to myself walking back into the room with snacks. I sat out the rest of the games, thinking to myself about everything. I'm not gay, and I do not have feelings for that stupid nerd. 

Suddenly my phone dinged and I opened it. It read "Hey, it's Todoroki. Izuku is training outside. Go apologize to him, right now. The situation that occurred before is really eating at him, but he won't admit it. He'll be in the garden." 

I felt myself tense up at this message. 'I'm not going to apologize to that nerd, am I?' I asked myself internally, but before I knew it my legs were moving on their own. I was making my way to the garden, where I was eventually met by the greenette who seemed to be intensely focused on the task at hand. "Hey." I said, alerting him of my presence. He turned around, and my eyes widened at the sight of him shirtless. In middle school, he was not nearly as toned as he now was. "K-Kacchan?! What are you doing here?!" The nerd quickly said backing up in fear. I felt like we were maybe being watched by Todoroki, which angered me.

"Can we go to your dorm for a moment? We need to talk." I stated, and while he looked a little taken aback, he nodded and lead me to his dorm. He allowed me to enter and I immediately got a little freaked out by all of his All-Might stuff. 

"Fanboy, much?" I sneered. He seemed a little embarrassed but played it off with a small smile. He walked over to a dresser, and picked out a large black shirt before putting it on. A part of me was upset, that he had covered up, as I was slightly enjoying the sight in front of me, but I chose to ignore it upon not understanding why in the fuck I'd want to see the nerd in that way. 

"So what do you need Bakugo?" He asked me smiling slightly before setting himself on his bed. I leaned against the one part of his bedroom wall that wasn't covered in All-Might merchandise and glanced everywhere but him as I thought of what to say. 

Finally it came to me, and I looked him straight in the eye. I felt aggravated by his innocent gaze so I approached him, getting super close to him. His face slowly got red as he looked up at me. 

"S-stupid nerd, listen up because I'll only say this once." I hesitated for a moment, but looking into his eyes calmed me down oddly enough, yet made my heart skip beats freaking me out as well.

"I'm sorry for the whole rock incident. It was my fault." I said. I had genuinely felt bad for what happened, and by apologizing I felt some of the pain go away that was in my chest. Deku's eyes widened and when he finally realized he smiled.

"Bakugo, it's really okay. Thank you for attempting to save me, it really made me happy." He said, a red tint on his nose and ears. I clicked my tongue at this, and looked away. I felt secretly happy to see him smile that way, and by now I was seriously questioning myself and my sexuality. 

There's no way I like this damn nerd.

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