Character Info

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*I do not own the rights to either of the pictures.

General information

Name: Keeva. This is how you actually pronounce the Irish name Caoimhe. This name means "beautiful, gentle, kind".

*Think Frey from Rune Factory 4

Age: 20

Race: half human, half fairy

Gender: Female

Birth Date: December 27

Sexuality: Straight

Marital Status: Single

Physical Information

Height: 5'2

Weight: 100

Eye Color: greenish blue

Hair Color: greenish blue

Health: Good

Health Problems?: No

Skin Tone: White

Tattoos: None

Piercings: Ears

Personal Information

Voice: gentle and soothing

Accent?: No

Speech Pattern: Mature and kind

Speech Quirks?: No

General Quirks: No

Personal habits?: Anything nature related. Walks, staring at the sky

Likes: Nature, chocolate,

Dislikes: Vivian

Favorite Foods: Chocolate

Disliked Foods: Meat

Fears: Losing Gilthunder

Mental issues?: No

Talents: Healing, skilled with herbs

Hobbies: walking, making medicine, sky watching


Flaws: dislikes confrontation. Will take blame for others mistakes, especially if they are loved ones. Can be gulible

Strengths: will stand up for others.


Birth Place: outside of the fairy village by the sacred tree

Hometown: Liones

Important Memories: memories with her mom and Gilthunder


Affiliations: Holy Knights, Sins, Druids, Fairies


Mother- Isla (pronounced eye-luh). Fairy. Was close with mother until mother died. Isla was very sweet but did not trust a lot of people due to her situation.

(general information, appearance, personality, their relationship with them)

Father- Zaratras. Was Holy Knight grandmaster until he was killed in betrayal.

(general information, appearance, personality, their relationship with them)

Siblings?: Gilthunder

Friends: The Sins, Holy Knights

Enemies: Vivian, 10 commandments

Crushes?: Someone :)

Abilities and Equipment

Weapons: Wooden staff that doesn't break

Abilities: *this part is still a work in progress

Blink: can travel short distances instantly. Leaves teal trail of flowers and leaves.

Lightning spray: releases short burst of lightning that hurts and stuns enemy

Accelerated healing: A seal appears on the ground and anyone standing in it will heal to full health so long as they aren't about to die. If so they will still heal but not fully.

Edit: I edited the race. Sorry it took so long to get to 😅

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