Chapter Eleven

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"Am I simply entertainment for you? Someone to place bets on?" Silence filled the air.

"I think you can do it, Katy," Francis broke the tension. George took no time to rush out. His horse was incredibly quick, and he seemed to make quick work of each of the three targets. Katy didn't dare speak, just breathe. George paraded himself around, laughing and holding the bow. A hand lightly rested on her knee.

"Don't hurt yourself," Richard whispered, squeezing it softly. "If I didn't think you could do it, I wouldn't let them ask you." He took his hand off and Katy walked slowly to the start.

"You may begin anytime, Katy," Edward urged her. Morgan knew the game too well, for the moment Katy asked her to go, she sprinted. She felt the freest with Morgan, the two had developed a special bond. Katy made quick work of the first target, and with the second one approaching she grabbed a new arrow. The second was just outside of George's, meaning they were tied. She grabbed her last arrow and lined herself up. Even though only seconds passed, it seemed like an eternity to Katy. She let the arrow fly which landed in the outer rings. Morgan trotted back to the group and next to George.

"You are better than me, Lord Clarence," Katy praised as Morgan circled.

"That should not come as a surprise," he called dismounting. Katy jumped down quickly and curtseyed to him.

"It does not, my lord." Richard held Morgan, walking her back with Katy.

"You missed on purpose," Richard remarked quietly, looking at her.

"I need him to like me," Katy responded looking forward. "He is your brother. Just as I want my brothers to like you."


Katy sat alone in the gardens, enjoying her time away from everyone. Richard deliberately steered people away from her favorite hideouts. Her warm fur kept the cold air out as she listened to the wind move around.

"My father will not allow it," a familiar voice rang out from behind the foliage. "Did you see her? Absolutely barbaric and unladylike." Katy held her breath as Isabel vented. "She does not deserve to be a duchess and behaves like a common peasant."

"She has no virtue or manners," Jane added in. "It would not surprise me if she were no longer a maid. She finds ways to sneak around the castle late at night, alone. And Anne Lovell supports her, against her own family."

"She needs to be banished, sent away from court, and her wardship ended. She has put Richard under some type of spell, and George up until recently." Katy listened carefully, daring to not make a noise. "My father says she will not last until summer, and that is why the King has made the wedding so far in the future. That he wishes to introduce many other suitable ladies to Richard," she laughed. "And Lord Kildare would not dare to go against the King while his daughter is ward of the court." The ground suddenly crunched, drawing Katy's attention away from Isabel and Jane. Lizzie climbed onto a step next to Katy. She held a finger up to her lips and giggled softly.

"Princess Elizabeth!" The nurse called frantically from afar. Katy sat down with the small princess, who smiled up at her.

"Hello, Lady Kathryn." She sat at the furthest edge of the seat and only her feet hung off the end.

"Hello my princess. What brings you into the gardens?"

"I'm hiding," she whispered. Katy couldn't help but smile.

"I am as well, perhaps we can hide together?" Lizzie giggled and nodded, looking at her small feet.

"My mama cannot wait for your wedding. She wishes it would be sooner." Katy looked at the young girl, who reminded her so much of herself.

"I cannot either."

"Do you love him?" Katy turned red and look away.

"I believe I do. You are extremely blessed to have an uncle like Uncle Richard. He adores your father, mother, sisters, and you." Katy lightly tapped Lizzie on the nose, who giggled more.

"What of Uncle George?"

"He will find his wife soon as well. I am sure of it." She said nothing but looked around at the frost covered greenery. "Your father wants nothing more than to protect you. And so, he must build a family around you. Your uncles are a large part of that protection."

"What is the rest of your family like? Your brother makes me laugh so!"

"Gerald is my eldest brother. He is extremely protective and due to become the next earl. He is extremely charming, though, and the people love him greatly. I am closest with him, I would say. Next is Thomas, whom you know well. Lastly is my younger sister Ann. She is lovely, vibrant, and extremely kind. I hear she was recently married, and I am sad I could not attend. Or that I even knew about it."

"Do you miss them?"

"Greatly, though your uncle is taking me home after the holiday. He is going to meet my family and speak to them about the arrangements being made."

"I should like to come!"

"One day you may get to see Ireland! It is beautiful." Elizabeth climbed onto Katy's lap, and Katy moved the fur so she was covered. The brisk air caused her to shiver slightly. The girls whispered as the nurse continued to call for Elizabeth. Other voices soon joined in, all searching for the young princess.

"How long have you been hiding?"

"Oh, I do not know. But I do not want to go back just yet. Can we stay for a bit longer?" Katy sighed and wrapped her arms around Elizabeth, trying to keep her warm.

"Let us wait until someone finds us, then we will go back." Elizabeth smiled and looked out over the lands, listening to the crunching around them. Richard suddenly appeared in an opening. Katy smiled softly at him, still holding his niece.

"There are my two favorite girls!" He ran to Katy and Lizzie, bowing to his niece and kissing Katy's forehead. "Lizzie, you have half of the family looking for you! They are very worried!" Lizzie climbed down and yawned, "We must get you back." Katy picked up the young girl and rested her on her hip. Lizzie rested her head on Katy's shoulder, and soon had gone limp. "You wore her out," he teased, putting his arm around her waist. Richard's soft lips landed on her temple. "You are excellent with children," he commented.

"I am a woman of many talents. But I think you know that." Richard chuckled to himself as they walked into the courtyard. The queen looked immediately relieved and rushed to her daughter. Katy transferred her slowly, careful not to wait the sleeping child.

"I am terribly sorry, your Grace. She wanted to hide with me in the gardens."

"It is perfectly alright. She admires you and loves spending time with you. And I trust you." The queen disappeared into the castle leaving Katy and Richard alone.

"I must warn you, we are to leave soon."

"Then there has been no change?" Katy questioned excited. "You will take me home?" He nodded and Katy threw her arms around him. She pressed her lips to his, smiling through the passionate kiss. Richard seemed surprised, eventually kissing her back. Katy pulled away and grinned, "I love you."

"I love you, forever and always." Katy kissed his cheek and ran into the castle, beginning to mentally sort what she would need.

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