"I'm telling you, we shouldn't be here" I start causing her to look up and glare at me "the world is trying to say something or maybe we're just cursed"

"Shut u-" she pauses, her face starting to beam "found them"

"Great" I respond with a sarcastic tone "absolutely great"


Suddenly my eyes snap towards the stage as every girl around us starts to scream, including Kaylee. Actually no. Especially Kaylee. Her scream was most likely the loudest and I swear the blonde boy looked our way before his eyes reverted back to the floor beside the stage "what happened?" I whisper to Kaylee as my eyes switch back and forth between the boys trying to figure out what I missed

"Are you kidding me?" She practically shouts making everyone look around us "weren't you paying attention?"

"Uh no" I honestly answer, still confused but now slightly embarrassed with about 10 pair of eyes glaring at Kaylee and I "I was thinking about how many hours I've done this week and trying to figure out how much I've earned but as you know, I suck at maths so I can't figure it out"

"Okay, the first thing is you're useless" she sighs at me "secondly, to answer your question, Harry fell and I'm really worried. What happens if he dies? I can't deal with that" she starts to blab on "not before I have the chance to meet him, why is the world so cruel, all I want is him to know about my adorable little face and to say my name but that can't happen if he dies"

"Kaylee" I breathe out, lost with what she said "it's fine, just take a deep breath and let it out. Count to ten and calm the fuck down. He fell off a stage, not a fucking mountain"

"I don't care" she spits before standing up and screaming "I HOPE YOU'RE OKAY"


After the concert had finished because of the tickets Kaylee bought we were waiting in a line to meet them but because of me and my claustrophobia, we ended up at the back. Why? Because I refused to move until everyone around us had.

As the line started moving a woman approached us and started speaking to us "Hello, sorry to be a pain but because you two are the last could you follow me?"

Without wanting to make a scene, both Kaylee and I followed her until she leads us to a small room "you'll meet the boys here, it's just much easier because there are a lot of fans wanting to meet them so having their last set in a room they feel comfortable in is so much better for them"

"We understand" Kaylee smiles at the woman as she walks into the room but suddenly she starts to charge towards one of the tables. At first, I just stare at her in confusion but then she turns to throw me a cookie.

Catching it, I stroll towards the couch and place myself upon it whilst I just watch Kaylee stuff as many cookies into her mouth as she could trying to hold my laughs in or else I may ruin her moment.

Snapping my head towards the door, the door opens and a couple of men walk through making it harder for me to contain my laughter but as the light-haired one starts to stutter as he says "you- you- no. You've stolen my cookies" and looking at her, I begin biting my lip to hold in my giggles "you. You. You Cookie Monster"

All eyes suddenly turn to me as I erupt in laughter, failing to hold in anymore I start to clap my hand against my leg "oh. My. God. I am keeping that one"

Suddenly my laughter starts to fade as a thumb on the ground sounds, my eyes searching for the fallen object land on Harry as his body lays on the floor, my heart skips a beat and my ears defeat as Kaylee dramatically screams and falls to the ground.

A couple of chuckles leave my lips as I stand and draw closer to her "DON'T JUST STAND THERE YOU FOOLS, GO FIND SOME HELP" she yells at the boys resulting in two of them running out of the room whilst he light-haired boy kneels beside Kaylee whispering words to harry like he'd answer him right now

"Well, I did sa-" I go to speak but stop as Kaylee sends me a cold glare. Guess joking to her isn't the best idea so instead, I mutter "what else could go wrong" to myself but my head snaps to the man beside me who is smirking as he says

"I mean I could order coffee"

"Please don-" I begin but suddenly pause as my brain joins the dots "oh my god, it actually was you? It wasn't just Kaylee being insane and seeing stuff?"


Circling around the waiting room of the hospital with my head pounding and thousands of thoughts racing in and out of my mind my trail of thoughts crash and Louis walks up towards me passing me a cup "I got you a cup of tea"

"Thanks" I smile at him, trying to keep the tears in "it feels so weird" I begin to mutter uncontrollably "I haven't been here since-" starting to realise what I'm saying and who's around me I cut my self off and go silent

"Since?" He pushes, clearly confused yet intrigued but not in a rude way

"Oh it doesn't matter" I chuckle trying to lighten the mood but then Kaylee comes out yelling "he's okay"

She runs into my arms and breathes "he's okay, he's okay" over and over again

"I know Kay" I whisper into her ear "and so are you, you're okay and everything is all okay too"

Reverting my eyes to Louis I mouth "sorry, dramatic one she is"


Okay, I'm sorry that is all over the place and I do apologise if you get lost lmao

Okay, I'm sorry that is all over the place and I do apologise if you get lost lmao

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