"The Isle..." Part V...

Start from the beginning

Nice...Hafta reconsider this one...Later. First, she raged, held by him...

"Miss Grant, please calm down!" he ordered. "These people aren't trying to hurt us..."

Well, not right now...Steve thought. See how psycho we get in an hour or so...

"Let her go! I can take a thousand spoiled little..."

Arrghh! Ginger struggled...

Hey, really. This kid is pretty strong.

Navy must do some training these days...

"Ok! Let me go! " she cried. "I'll stop if you let me go!"

"Ok..." Gilligan cautiously relaxing grip.

Arrghh...She lunged at Karen again, Gilligan barely reaching her in time...

"Come on, Miss Grant! You said you'd stop!"

"Ok...Ok...I'll stop..." Ginger agreed.

"Then come back over here to Miss Wholesomeby."

"Yeah, go slink back to your trailer, Grant." Karen sneered.

"Karen? Try to make an effort..." Steve urged. "Folks, she's had a very tough time recently..."

"Well la-dee-dah..." Ginger sneered.

"Oh, why must you fight? If only we had some guns...To enforce peace through strength." Mary sighed.

That Skipper seemed such a nice fellow...Too bad he's a liberal snowflake too wussy to defend his private property with a peacemaker.

"Ladies..." Steve sighed. Wait, what?


Director? Dr. Balinkoff watching on camera four, pondered.


"It was a sequel to 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer', the TV show, not the..." Karen waved hands.

"I was supposed to be the next Vampire Slayer, only I'd be Buffy reborn again...A little older and more experienced." Ginger sighed. "And aware that I had also lived as Cicely Addams Walthrop the beloved and one-day wife of William Soames Walthrop nee Pratt..."

"Spike from the old series..." Karen noted. "Cicely tried to save William using the demon Halfreck in her form to drive him away when she was tricked into believing that would save him."

"So it was redemption and rescue on my part..." Ginger noted. "I'd take up where 'Buffy' ended and after more than a century, save my husband..."

"Trapped in LA, after he was resurrected by Angel at Wolfram-Hart. Then avoiding Buffy, thinking she didn't love him."

"We started with Sarah getting killed when distracted trying to get to him...Then we'd jump a few years..."

More than a few...Karen mouthed to the others.

"And I'd be a potential Slayer, in a coma in a hospital...Who'd die for a moment, then 'Buffy/Cicely' but equally 'Cicely' now would wake up in me..." Ginger noted.

"She was possessed by a demon?" Mary asked Gilligan, puzzled. "And who is 'Buffy'?"

Forgive me, Jesus...She thought. But I can't reveal to my shame that I used to watch 'Buffy' and 'Angel' in secret at my cousin Susie the whore of Bablylon's house and had a burning unholy yearning for Spike that led me to hate Sarah Gellar for being 'Buffy' the whore who let him die thinking he was unloved.

"It was a brilliant concept that lured me..." Ginger noted.

"She was desperate for something that would get her career rolling again..." Karen frowned. "She'd've been ok, though not my personal best choice. But...We had..."

Oh, Lord not that... Mary sighed. "Surely Jesus was doing you a favor to chill the lust in your hearts for each other..." she noted.

"What?" Karen stared...Ginger stared. "I was married." "I was dating Harvey Weinstein..."

"No..." Karen, firmly... "We had creative differences."

"Bitch wanted me to just kill them, the other vampires...Even poor Drusilla..." Ginger noted. "For Christsake...What was 'Buffy' all about besides the empowerment of women but for her to transcend Slaying to trying to save all these people? Weren't most of them innocent victims like Dru?"

"You were the Slayer. You Slew." Karen frowned. "The redemption stuff and love story with William was enough sentiment. I wanted you a powerful woman, making one exception for the guy she loved. What were you gonna do, kneel and pray for every blood-sucker?"

"You didn't want her to be a mere liberal snowflake..." Mary nodded. "Yet her quest would be to find a man to guide her life correctly."

"What?" Karen stared. "I wanted her strong and powerful...Sure, loving and troubled by guilt, but eager for vengeance over the guy she loved having been whacked by her own Council and Miss Crazy Vampire...Not weepin' over every cloud of dust, a lost soul.?

"Joss agreed with me..." Ginger glared.

"Joss was outta the picture after he sold out to Disney!"

"When did you become a TV director, Karen?" Steve asked, bewildered. "Was it before or after you were Sister Mercy at the cult?"

"After, of course..." Karen frowned. "Just after I got married and when I was pregnant with our first girl."

"Oh, the great excuse..." Ginger fumed. "But why couldn't pregnancy have made you compassionate. You were making my character a heartless killing machine for the Watchers' Council. Some strong woman...Right."

"Well, if she was letting herself be led by men to do what they considered the right thing, sanctioned by Jesus..." Mary reflected.

"You were making the character a wuss!" Karen fumed.

"I was elevating the whole story to one about abandoning male domination to embrace healing and redemption..." Ginger insisted. "Exposing the male-dominated Council as using the Slayer to hold onto power and in balance with Evil when it had plenty of ways to free the trapped souls in those vampires. How could she know William's soul was trapped and could be rescued and just go on staking every other vampire? You took a beautiful romance that helped the character find a higher purpose and..."

"That was her purpose...To stay on that Wall! Guarding Humanity! We needed her on that Wall! We wanted her on that Wall!"

"Oh, yes!" Mary cried. "Like poor wronged Mr. Trump said before they arrested him...We need a Wall!"

"Shut up!" Karen and Ginger, glaring.

"She was getting to be as crazed a killer as Danerys Targaryen." Ginger sighed. "Juliet was horrified by the scene where I was supposed to stake her alive as a restored human..."

"You were angry! She'd killed your husband!" Karen fumed. "That was your motivation!"

"William killed as Spike! She was possessed by a demon and insane! She was tricked by that Watcher of Cicely's and D'Hoffryn." Ginger insisted. "You had me hunting her down, restoring her to Humanity and then murder her?!"

"If that bitch had come near my husband and condemned him to living death..." Karen, grimly.

Wow, they are really up on the story, Mary thought. At least that may give me something to talk about initially when I want to try to open them up to Christ...

Though that's not how Cicely was portrayed in the original...

"Who's D'Hoffryn?" Steve asked.


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