On Top Of A Mountain

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"I know." Dana got up and ordered another round of coffees.


She had decided to concentrate on her tests and to deal with John later. Every once in a while she would look at her phone, at his messages and thought about answering it. But that might open Pandora's Box and she just didn't need any drama or distractions. She also tried not to run into Sam. The first few weeks he deliberately went the other way whenever they crossed path; after a while he would just ignore her presence; when he realized that she did not date anybody else, he started greeting her again by way of lifting his chin up ever so slightly.


Dana was exhausted. She sat at the library, her head was spinning, she had nor slept more than four hours a night this past week. How was she ever able to keep all this knowledge in her head. I don't know how John does it with all his texts, she thought while rubbing her eyes with were burning. She got out her phone.

Is there a trick that might help me remember any of these things any better? she wrote. She was about to let her phone slide back into her coat pocket when it vibrated. Could it be John had answered already?



Maybe you need a partner. Helps me to remember my lines.

Dana looked at the text with tears in her eyes. She was so damn tired. She was not strong enough to hold her feelings at bay.

The phone started vibration. The caller ID indicated John's number. She took the phone and left the library. Outside she called him back.


She sighed and tried to get a grip on herself. The cool air felt good. "Not working?", she asked.

"It's late. We are done for the day."

Dana check the time. 9:34 p.m. "Oh", she said. "Sorry. Hope I did nor interrupt with anything."

"No worries", he reassured her. "I am just watching TV." And after a while when Dana did not reply.


"Exams are coming up. I am trying to get all this stuff to stick to my grey matter", she explained. She had sat down at a bench in front of the library.

"Want me to come and quiz you?"

Did she? She looked at the building across the lawn. The light were off, only the street lights were burning. No-one was underway. Only the leaves rustled in a light breeze. "I broke up with Sam", she said by way of answering.

"I see", he said with a soft timbre in his voice.

"A few months ago already."


A girl on a bike peddled past the library building. Dana followed her until she was out of sight. She could hear John breathe.

"I am so tired, I can't think", she was tearing up again.

"Go to bed!", was his advice. "You won't remember anything when you are tired anyway."

"You are right. But... I don't have any time..."

"Go to bed, Dana. Start fresh tomorrow!" It sounded like an order.

She took a deep breath. He was right, she knew. "Good night, John."

"Good night, Dana."


When she woke up the next day, it was almost noon already. "Gosh!", she exclaimed and jumped out of bed. She must have forgotten to turn on the alarm. The halls of the dorm building were deserted. She rushed into the washroom. When she came back to her room, John was standing in front of her door. Her heart skipped a beat but she tried not to look too shocked. Instead, she acted cool.

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