A Surprise on TV

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But in this instant, it all came back to her. The conversations, the kiss, Claudia, her own bad conscious, being confused. She also remembered now that he had told her that he was acting. But so far, he had said, he had only made it to stages of small theaters. He had never mentioned any movies being a teenage-actor, not even the intention of becoming a screen-star.

The rest of the show she watched without really watching. She starred into nothingness, her head a big void. When the show was over, Dana got up, and decided she would do what she always did when it came to John: push the thought of him to the very back of her mind.

The girls got dressed, a little drunk already, and left the dorm for Daisy Dukes'. They would probably meet fellow students. Hopefully some guys that would treat them to drinks.

Julie and Dana always had fun at Daisy Dukes'. Tonight was no exception. The music was good and they were dancing most of the time. Dana had successfully avoided any thought of John. She just enjoyed getting tipsy and having a fun night out with her friend. Some guy had danced up to Julie and was digging on her. As the music went from energetic to romantic, Dana and Julie, the guy in tow, left the dance floor for the bar. Dana felt someone watching her. It was not uncommon that guys would watch the two of them. When she was dancing with Julie they were simply acting silly and laughed their heads off doing to. That drew a lot of attention. Nevertheless, she scanned the audience. Maybe it was someone she could flirt with, while Julie was getting involved with her guy. In the crowed, at the bar, some men were looking in her direction. One of them was John.


At first Dana thought her eyes were deceiving her, but then the illusion smiled. It was John. His hair was a little longer than she remembered, but it was him. She didn't know what to do and vanished into the crowd.

Silly, she thought. He has seen you, and you have seen him! What should happen? Just go over and say Hello.

Her head was spinning and she felt dizzy when she made her way towards the bar. John came to meet her halfway.

"Hey!" Dana jelled to make herself be heard over the noise. "Now that's a surprise! What are you doing here?" Stupid question, she scolded herself. You know what he is doing here. He smiled.

"Hello, Dana!" he jelled back and continued without answering the question. "I thought my mind is playing a trick on me. What are you doing here?"

"I am studying here, remember!"

"What?" he jelled into her ear.

She pointed towards to door. It wouldn't be better for both their voices to talk in a quieter surrounding. He followed her into a quieter area. Dana's nervousness was gone.

John looked at her, smiling broadly. "I never thought I'd see you again."

"Well, that's what I was about to say", grinned Dana. "But it is the second surprise tonight concerning you. I have watched Attempts to Tame the West tonight!"

"Oh, did you." Funny enough he blushed. "Yeah, I had a real good agent for once. Some of us are celebrating the successful start." He pointed towards the bar.

"Cool!" What else could she say; it was an awkward situation. She looked him straight in the face. "How is Claudia?"

He did not reply immediately.

"She's fine. She just became an associate with the law firm she is working for."

"Good for her! So both of you are very successful right now."

"Yeah." He did not smile. Then he looked at her. "Let's change subject: What are you doing?"

"Still studying", she repeated herself. "But I work for a newspaper part-time."

He laughed: "So I'd rather not talk to you. You might give it to the merciless press!"

Dana chuckled. "No! I'd never."

And soon enough they were talking like they use to back on a beach in California. But neither of them mentioned the incident they both remembered only too well.

It was getting late – or rather: early. "Maybe we could have a cup of coffee someday when I get some time off?" Jonathan asked.

"Sure! Why not. If you want to meet with a member of the press corps", Dana teased. "Want my telephone number?"

"That sure would help!" They laughed, and Dana wrote down her numbers.

"I live in one of the dorms with my friend Julie."

"O.K." There they stood, smiling, didn't know how to say their Goodbyes.

"Well, tell Claudia I said Hello."

He didn't answer, just nodded.

Dana furrowed her brows. "Well, I've got to check on Julie. I left her with a very desperate looking guy!" Dana stepped towards the dance floor area.

"I'll call you", John said. Dana nodded and went back to were she had left Julie.

She was still there. And so was the desperate looking guy. They were kissing. Nevertheless, when Julie saw Dana coming, she pushed the guy away.

"Hey! Where have you been! I was concerned!"

"Julie! Like I would ever leave without you. I met someone I know, and we had a little chat."

Julie was looking at the guy, whose pants looked like he really was desperate, and said to Dana. "I think we should go now. We got to get up early tomorrow..."

Dana smiled. "You're right. Let's grab a cab."

"Can I have your number?", the desperate looking guy asked.

"No", Julie said coolly, and went off towards the entrance. Women can be really mean sometimes. 

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