first four chapters please comment and i'd love it if you follow me

Start from the beginning

The aeroplane steadily losing altitude turned in a great arc as the airport came into view. Alison watched the women in neat uniforms move up and down the aisle. Surprised that thoughts of the flight crew would be on her mind at a time like this she turned to look through the window. Below them emergency workers hurried to make ready several fire engines were already racing towards the runway and several more were on the road that led to the airport. Ambulances and other support vehicles followed close behind.  She could see their flashing lights and imagined she could hear the noise of the sirens. Alison clearly heard a child’s voice, “Look Mum, look at all the fire engines and the flashing lights.” She looked over to where the voice had come from in time to see a small boy’s mother lift him away from the window hushing him with a hug and a soft caress. She could see tears on the mother’s cheeks as she rocked the child in her arms. The flight attendant gently eased him from his Mother’s arms and into his seat and fastened his seatbelt.

The vibration worsened as the aeroplane neared the airport.

During her extensive travels Alison had been on aeroplanes that were experiencing troubles and she had experienced several emergency landings. This time with the vibration, the fire and the noises that had come from beneath them, the danger felt more real, more frightening, black fluid smudged the outside of the window glass, sprays of the oily liquid streaked across the wing. More bumping came from somewhere beneath the plane followed by another much louder thump.

 “They can’t get the wheels down,” an anxious voice sounded throughout the aircraft. One of the Flight Attendants moved along the aisle to stand beside the frightened passenger.

 “Sorry about all the fuss people but as you already know we are having some difficulties.” The pilot's voice sounding as calm as ever quietened the passengers. They listened for more information on their predicament, “The undercarriage is down and locked in position and all is well with the landing gear but before we use it we will make one, maybe two passes over the airport close to the control tower. This will allow experts in the tower to inspect the underside of the aircraft, just to be certain.” Alison listened intently to see if she could detect any tension in his voice, she was relieved that at least this pilot spoke to the passengers during the emergency, most don’t she thought. “Not to worry folks this is strictly a precautionary measure I am certain everything is fine. We will be on the ground and quite safe very soon. Try to relax and enjoy the drama after all it is not every day you experience an exciting situation like this. Very soon it will all be over and you will have a great story to tell your friends and lovers for a long time to come.”

Friends and lovers, Alison dropped her head back against the rest, it should be friends and lover, she thought. I have only ever had one and what a lover he turned out to be. 

“Michael” she whispered to herself as tears threatened to overflow. Then afraid that if she started to cry she wouldn’t be able to stop she said to herself, “What a fool, I was completely over this sort of thing.” She wiped her eyes with a tissue, it’s just the tension, she thought. 

Maybe it was some sort of safety valve but in spite of everything that was happening around her, in spite of the danger she was in Alison’s mind drifted to the man she at one time thought she might marry.

          I wonder where he is now, he could be so caring, so nice, I was sure we would be together forever I guess his wife and children thought the same. The shock of finding out that Michael was married stayed with her for a long time, even now she could feel the resentment cutting at her heart. With a rueful smile she said quietly to herself, “I’d be tempted to wish some sort of a hex on him but this is not the time or place for that sort of thing.”

 Sitting upright in her seat, head back against the headrest Alison let her mind take her away from her present predicament. She thought of her father the man in her life as she grew out of childhood. He could never forgive nor forget the loss he had suffered at her birth. The woman he loved had died while Alison had lived.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2014 ⏰

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