The resistance's new ally

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Harumi's P.O.V

(Let's say the bounty never got destroyed )

So I was wrong. Lloyd did come and find me.

"Harumi! You're alive?" Lloyd exclaimed when he found me.

I could not tell whether he was happy or sad that I was alive, he kept his face blank of any emotion, as I did for so many years, as he helped me out of the rubble. I winced as he set me on my feet and steadied me, for I landed mainly on my injured leg. I couldn't stop more tears sliding down my face, partly from the pain, partly because of the guilt and regret I was feeling. I had emotionally and physically hurt the very person who was saving me now. If I were Lloyd, I would've just left me to rot in the wreckage.

"Are you ok Harumi?" Lloyd asked, not in a forceful tone of voice, but in a concerned, gentle voice.

"Y...Yeah, I'm...I'm ok."

What else could I say? I have learnt not to complain about my troubles, but to keep them inside. Don't let the enemy see that you are weak. And Lloyd was the enemy, was he not?

"I'm taking you back to the bounty so that my mother can sort you out."

I walked along with him for a few steps, my legs aching and trembling when all of a sudden, everything grew black.

I wondered if this was the end.

Lloyd's P.O.V

I had just steadied Harumi and began to walk with her when she just collapsed. I wondered if she had died and grew panicky when I felt her pulse. Thank goodness her heart was beating. I conjured my elemental dragon, pulled the unconscious form of Harumi onto it and I flew her back to the bounty.

"Lloyd! You're back!" My mother, Misako cried

"Mom could you have a look at Harumi for me? She looks really bad but I need to know the details."

"Sure sweetie"

Harumi's P.O.V

I woke up in a daze. I seemed to be in a...a...a medical room? I looked around and saw Lloyd's mother, Misako checking some charts and Lloyd sitting in a chair just next to the bed I was in. I had a big bandage on my right leg and one on my head.

"I will never betray you again Lloyd, I promise. I will help the resistance as much as I can. I want to earn back all your trust and I will. I'm sorry. Really sorry."

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