"What?" Juhi asked, still panting and wondered how can he catch his breath so quickly, "Oh, thank you, Mr Song."

"What's with the formality? We're deskmates now, call me Seung Rye."

"Sure.." Juhi said, not buying in his friendliness.

"Are you okay?" He asked, "Here." He offered his hand when he saw her still breathing hard.

"I can pull myself up." She said quickly and stood up straight, "Thank you." realizing her rudeness. It made Seung Rye nod.

"No problem, you can repay me by showing me kindness in school." He smiled.

"Says the celebrity..." Juhi tried whispering under her breath but Seung Rye heard it.

"Oh please, cut the flattery, I am indeed a celebrity but I still need friends, so now I have you."

"That's a weird way to make friends." Juhi said flatly, "Aren't you already friends with Eun Sun?"

"Eun Sun, you speak informally with him?" 

"I mean," Juhi caught off guard, "we've been classmates for years now so we naturally just dropped the formality..." 

"So you know him well?"

"No, not really." Juhi blinked, not really knowing where this is going.

"Ah, I see. Well, not only I have Eun Sun, you owe me a favour now." He took out his hand out of his pockets, "Let's be kind to each other."

Juhi shook his hand briefly, she felt awkward, not knowing where is this going.

Seung Rye took out his phone to unmute it but realized it was already unmuted.

"Did you on your love alarm?" He asked suddenly.


user: Song Seung Rye




"No," Juhi answered


no one within 10 metres

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