chapter 2:

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5 days later:

Both parents had been taking maternity leave, because they couldn't agree on who would get to stay with their newborn, typical. But it turned out to be one of the best decisions they had ever made, since it brought a lot of family quality time with it and also meant the friends were able to establish a well working morning routine.

"Good morning!", Amelia greeted Leo and Owen as she held Aiden in her arms and crouched down to kiss her toddler's chubby cheek. The little boy smiled happily as he turned to his mother and offered her a spoon of cereal, which she gratefully ate. "Thank you, love!", she beamed. "Here you go daddy, the baby is fed as every morning.", the brunette informed her roommate who walked over to her to hand over a mug filled with coffee, just how they had been doing for the past five days.

"Come here, sweetheart!", Owen excitedly told his son as he took him from Amelia's arms after giving her the cup. Since both of them were overtired and not really thinking straight, he pressed his lips to her forehead in the process, causing them to freeze. "Crap, sorry!", the trauma surgeon apologized quickly. "I didn't mean to do just happened!"

"Daddy kissy mommy!", Leo cheered while making a mess with his bowl of cereal. His mother threw him a glance, made a funny grimace and nodded in confusion. Her friend rocked Aiden a little bit and turned away from his family members, so they wouldn't get to see how embarrassed he was.

"Is there a reason you're blushing like that?", Amelia boldly wanted to know without actually seeing his face. Something in her just knew that he felt weird for what accidentally happened. Sighing, Owen turned back to his roommate who smirked.

"You are evil!", the redhead complained. "You know very well why this made me blush. But I accidentally crossed a line and now I am feeling bad for it.", he whined as he put their son into his living room crib, where he could continue sleeping.

"I just asked you a simple question, mister.", the neurosurgeon giggled, because this whole thing got her friend so worked up. "And if I remember correctly...", she started, slowly making her way over to him. "I didn't hear anyone complain about what happened."

"Are you flirting with me?", Owen wondered as his eyes widened in surprise. "Why do I feel like you have been giving me tiny hints during the past five days but can never really tell if you're just being a damn tease?!"

"DADDY!", Leo shouted from his highchair after having heard the word damn. He didn't know its meaning yet but whenever someone said it near him, another person would look and sound shocked.

"Ask me again.", Amelia challenged her roommate and wiggled her eyebrows to play with him even more. She leaned back against the counter, watching him going crazy as he tried to find appropriate words.

"Amelia Frances Shepherd, are you flirting with me?", he smirked, finally getting more confident. She must have been flirting with him since they moved back in together, otherwise she would have told him a clear no.

"You finally noticed?", she questioned him, continuing her dangerous and extremely hot teasing game while narrowing her eyes. She smirked and took a huge sip of her coffee, before licking her lips very slowly.

"One moment!", Owen huffed, trying to hide his growing erection but failing miserably. "Come on buddy, time to play upstairs in your room and we will brush those dirty teeth in a few minutes.", he decided when he lifted the toddler into his arms and brought him up the stairs, where he could busy himself in the playpen.

"I don't understand why you won't help him with the teeth brushing right now?", his friend played dumb and innocently repeated her actions from before as she gulped down the rest of her coffee and licked her lips.

"Please just kiss me already!", the trauma surgeon begged, stopping right in front of his crush. Their crotches touched, causing both of them to try to keep their breathing steady, since they hadn't been this close in a sexy atmosphere for a while now.

"Maybe we shouldn't...", Amelia lamely attempted to stop them from making yet another mistake. Their relationship didn't ever work before, so why would it now. As if her hands were able to ignore the words coming out of her own mouth, they made their way to his chest, where she rubbed them up and down.

"Maybe I don't fucking care about that! We were fighting last time we had sex and look what it brought us! A wonderful baby boy. So...I will also repeat this sentence. Please just kiss me already!", Owen begged, leaning in and closing his eyes. He knew she wouldn't back out of it and felt his heartbeat accelerate when her soft lips met his in a slow and passionate kiss.

It was nothing like the hot energy that had been dominating their feelings a few moments ago and obscuring their rational brain functions. They continued making out in this slow rhythm for a while, both growing hungry for more.

"I need you-", the neurosurgeon whispered into his ear but was interrupted by their crying newborn. She groaned in annoyance and so did Owen. "- to take care of that cute cock block over there.", she sighed, rolling her eyes and pouted.

"You're that pissed about not getting to be fucked by me?", Owen proudly grinned when he noticed it. "I think you just pushed my ego higher than the Mount Everest, woman.", he winked in satisfaction before taking his son out of his crib. "Hello, mister stinky pants. Let's get you clean again, angel."

"I was about to kill you for saying fuck in front of our son, but now that you shifted into full dad mode...I think you're even hotter.", his roommate whined, desperately wanting sex with her crush. "I'll clean Leo's mess and get him ready, so we can go grocery shopping later."

"Like a family, buddy!", her friend told their newborn. "Your mommy wants to go grocery shopping like families do and show off all three of her handsome boys to all those single ladies who don't have as much luck as she does."

"Are you hearing yourself? I am glad to have pushed your ego but don't get cocky now, weirdo.", Amelia chuckled at the redhead's behavior. "Aid, sometimes your daddy is just plain crazy."

"Who is mama calling a weirdo, huh? I think she needs some boundaries.", the trauma surgeon continued his baby-talk. "But first I will give her a kiss.", he announced and pecked Amelia's lips, as if he had never done anything else in his life.

It felt natural. It felt great. It felt familiar. And most importantly, it finally felt like they were meant to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2020 ⏰

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