Meeting Again By Chance

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Your POV

You got up after messaging your friend and slipped your phone into your Jean pocket. After that you realised how the sun was beginning to set and your mom was expecting to see you. You made your way back home, looking around at the area as you did so, but, it just wasn't the same as your old home. Last month was the best month of your life. You'd got friends, even a bit of popularity if you were honest but, unfortunately, your parents had divorced.

The memories flooded back of the day it happened. Your parents were being violent and cruel to one another and you were upstairs hiding under your velvet bedsheets, desperately waiting for it to end. And eventually you heard a door slam,and then the sound of your mother sobbing. And then- No. You shook off the rest of the negative thoughts "Ugh y/n.... Get it together... Here in Adventure Bay, it's all about new beginnings!" you smiled slightly, you promised yourself never to bring up your dad again.

You began to think of the boy again. What on Earth was his name? You seriously wanted to know that more than anything right now. You played with your hair and concentrated on the ground until you crashed into a firm, burly chest. You backed up slightly "Oh my gosh I'm so so sorry I didn't mean to-" you paused as your eyes glistened with pure amazement. It was him.

Ryder's POV

I was still walking back but I realised something "Darn it I forgot the treats!" I facepalmed and walked back the way I came, it was such a trial taking care of so many pups, I'm just one guy after all. I slowly crossed the road with my hands tucked away in my pockets and my eyes down. You know it would be so much easier if I could have help.

I continued walking until I felt a slim body bump into me. I backed away "hey watch where your-" I stopped and a small blush appeared on my face. It was her, the mystery girl from before, surely she would've been home by now right? Or maybe she's been checking around town. She was shy and frail, so so cute...

"I-I'm sorry I wasn't checking where I was going" she blushed and pulled at the collar of her shirt. It made me bite my lip slightly.

"Oh no its okay! Guess I was just in my own world" I glanced back behind me chuckling. "So are you new?"

Your POV

You were memorised by his oh so dreamy attire and body that you only just realised he'd spoken. And my oh my what a voice he had.

You were too shy to comment so you slipped out a quick apology, which he didn't mind.

But now he was asking if you were new? Well of course you were.

"W-well..yes...I arrived today and..... Me and my mom live just down the street" You pointed over to your house to which he looked back too "Oh very nice place" he'd smiled at you, meaningfully.

Your heart leapt, he was actually speaking to you. "W-what's your name?..." you'd ask very shyly. He'd go closer and hold out his hand for a shake. "Ryder! And you are?" You'd paused a second, his hand was soft and warm against your pale, cold one, it made chills go up your spine.


Ryder's POV

My heart fluttered at the sound of her name. Y/n... So elegant and cute, just like her. "Oh such a nice name! And welcome to Adventure Bay" I smiled and tried to pull my hand away from her grasp, as much as I wanted this to last longer.

She bit her lip and nodded softly "T-thank you" she said to me, placing her hands behind her back. I sighed and checked the time. Oh no! 6:30 pm! The pups would be almost finished and I hadn't got their treats! "Please do excuse me... I have to head back to the lookout, but hey! Maybe we'll meet again y/n!" I said sweetly

Your POV

Your heart sank just a bit that he had to go but, nothing lasts forever right? "Okay Ryder... Catch you later!" you slowly made your way past him as your hand brushed against his, causing a jolt to run through you both. You quickly speed walked away towards your place.

Ryder's POV

I looked back at her and flushed a shade of pink. My heart skipped several beats. I almost stumbled over because I was still glancing her way "Darn it Ryder~" I bit my lip before racing into the pet store.

Ryder x Reader - Paw patrolМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя