On your way up to your hotel room, you run into Nick leaving his own hotel room.

"Hey, Nick." You wave and walk over to him. "Where are you headed off to?" You ask him curiously.

"Y/N!" Nick swivels around when he hears you. "I was just going out to catch an early lunch, wanna come with?" He offers.

"Uhh, yeah why not. I could eat." You shrug and decide that lunch with Nick sounds nice.

"Cool." Nick nods. "Follow me then, I know a great Thai place."

You nod and follow Nick back down out of the hotel. On your way out of the lobby, you pass by Adam and wave at him when you pass. Nick, on the other hand, rolls his eyes with a grin when he sees Adam looking at the two of you walking together.

You and Nick head off to that Thai place he mentioned and have a nice and quiet lunch. He asks you about coffee with Adam and how hanging out with him was.

"It was alright?" You shrug at the question. "Hanging out with Adam is always fun, not that you aren't fun to hang out with as well Nick."

"Yeah." Nick nods. "I love hanging out with you as well." He insists. "We should do it more often in fact."

"Sounds like a plan." You agree.

After lunch, you head back to your hotel to get your bags ready then head down to the arena for the show. When you get there you run into Kenny and say hello before you go and change in your locker room for the night.

Inside the arena that AEW is filming for the night, Adam and Nick share some nasty looks as they get ready for their tag match against Santana, Ortiz, Sammy Guevara, and Jake Hager. Matt and Kenny notice this and whisper to each other about it.

"Man, what's with them?" Kenny asks Matt in a hushed tone.

"They're both into Y/N, and neither wants to give it up," Matt whispers back.

All four men head out to the ring with Page and Nick still butting heads. The match starts and they both refuse to work together. It's near the end of the match when all of a sudden a fight breaks out. The camera pans to Adam on top of Nick, both of them trading blows on the floor.

Backstage you had happened to be watching the match when the fight broke out. You rush down to the curtain when you see that Kenny and Matt have managed to pull the two men apart. All four men break through the curtain yelling at each other when you arrive.

"What the hell is going on?" You raise your voice which makes silence fall over the room.

"Dipshit over here actually thinks that he has a chance with you!" Nick is the first one to speak.

"Oh yeah, like she'd ever go out with you." Adam sneers right back. "Who would wanna go out with some over-hyped Shawn Michaels wannabe? At least MY gimmick is original."

"Why don't you come over here and say that to my face, you hillbilly hick boy!" Nick snaps right back and tugs as his arms that Matt is holding.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" You raise your voice, even more, this time. "I hear another word out of either of you and neither of you will EVER be going out with me." You get your point across and the room falls silent again. "Now." You glance between both men, knowing that when you really think about it, it's not much of a decision.

The room is dead silent as you walk in between both men, neither of them dares breath as you turn to your left at Adam.

"Nick, you're like a brother to me." You turn to Nick softly. "You and Matt are both like my big brother." You turn back to Adam and nod for Kenny to let him go. "Page, I've kind of been meaning at ask you out on a date." You blush a little at the shit-eating grin Adam wears.

"I knew it." Page laughs a bit. "You've got great taste gorgeous." He slings an arm around you. "Better luck next time." He winks at Nick.

"Be nice." You elbow him in the ribs gently.

"Yeah yeah." Adam groans a little. "Come on, we should go and get some dinner to celebrate." He insists.

"Sorry again Nick." You glance back at Nick talking with Matt.

"It's okay," Nick calls out to you. "I'll get over it, and I know Adam will make you happy."

You and Page head out for the night and Adam stops you in the parking lot when he knows that no one else is around.

"You're amazing you know that?" He asks you. "I'm actually a little shocked that you picked me." He admits.

"Why?" You laugh a little. "Come on cowboy," You grab him by the collar of the shirt and yank him down to place a kiss to his soft lips. "Come show a lady how to have a good time."

"Yes, M'am." Adam chuckles.

AN: This is the ending for Page regarding the Nick/Page chapter. I hope you guys enjoy it. Nicks will be up, right after this one.

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