"Four? Jesus Christ," he gapes. "It's half past eight now. Have you even had dinner?"

"...no. I didn't realize it was getting so late," she huffs out. "How'd you find me? And why are you here, what's up?"

Ethan runs his hands through his hair, though there's a peach colored hood sitting on top of it. He's still in the sweats he sent a picture in earlier.

"You stopped answering me and no one else had heard from you in hours. You said you were studying so I figured you might be here," he shrugs, glancing down at her notes. He also spots the extra large empty coffee cup and a small, half-eaten packet of crackers. "We should get out of here. Get you some real food... and then get you laid, y'know, relaxed."

Blake rolls her eyes, "I gotta finish up. I'll eat something when I get home."

"Chérie, finals isn't for a couple weeks. You don't have to study this much. And eating is important."

"I wanna be prepared," she mumbles, snatching her favorite pen from his hands. "And I won't have much time to study for the rest of this week, between other schoolwork and actual work."

"You still have next week," Ethan sighs. "And you're smart as hell. You'll be fine."

"I'm just gonna stay a little longer and finish what I'm going over in this chapter. Is that okay with you, Dolan?"

"Sure, I guess. But I'm gonna stay with you so I can at least walk you home."

"Okay," she agrees, returning to her work. For a frat boy who comes off as intimidating, he sure worries too much. Blake isn't sure that he isn't just trying to hookup later though.

Ethan hums and lies his head down, watching Blake work. Her thick hair is still pulled back with a few pencils, but it's hanging dangerously low now. She gnaws on her bottom lip, and then reapplies chapstick immediately afterward.

He chuckles to himself as she blows a hair out of her eyes, only for it to fall back down a few times in a row before she gives up. After that, he lets his own eyes fall shut for a few minutes.

The boy isn't sleeping, he's more listening the sounds of pen scribbling, keys clicking, and page turning. It's way too early for him to actually fall asleep.

Blake actually forgets he's there, until the lights turn off while she's writing something down. Her eyebrows furrow, and then she checks the time.


"What's wrong--oh, it's dark in here," he says, sitting up straight. "That doesn't seem good."

"No... it's not. The library closed 15 minutes ago," Blake groans, slamming her laptop shut. She stands to her feet, getting up and trying all of the doors with no luck. "Yeah, we're locked in."

"You aren't serious."

"Pretty serious. The librarian left for the night."

This, unfortunately, isn't the first time she's been locked in. She learned the first time that the lights are set on a timer, they turn off themselves after the librarian leaves and there's no way to get them back on, but luckily street lights shine in the windows enough to see each other and their things.

The first time, she was lucky the janitor was coming in to clean that night. They only clean the library 4 times a week though--and tonight isn't one of those nights.

"I can't believe you got me fucking trapped in the library," Ethan scoffs, trying the doors for himself, as if the result will be different. "Chérie, you really couldn't keep track of time?"

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