Frosty Kisses

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Chapter 1

{This World I Live In}

This world I live in, it's very painful. You won't understand. I doubt anyone can. Now I won't start with the cheesy, over used opening lines that introduce you to a characters name, where they live, or what their favorite hobbies are. People give away too much in the opening paragraph, have you noticed that? By reading the first few pages of a book I can find out how it will end. It's one of the many talents I posses that drives me into a frustrated rage.

But then again, whenever I look in the mirror I feel like punching a wall. It feels kind of unfair, I thought, to have so many talents that only bring me punishment among my peers. I am frowned upon for being more talented than they. Suddenly, a knock resounded around the hollow of my room.

I put down my peacock-feather quill, shutting my leather notebook. "Who is it?" I rarely got a caller, at least not at this time. It was odd, and I was sure it was just Amaweare looking to tease my folding skills that I had so excellently presented during laundry duty this morn. Before I could get up, the door was opened and in walked Amaweare, her beautiful robes of sunlight spilt about her, shinning almost as bright as her golden hair. She looked as if she had been touched by King Midas himself. Before speaking, she took great care to pucker her lips and rest the elbow of her right arm on the upwards facing palm of her left, daintily touching her chin with her fingertips. "You have been summoned by the Council. Oh my dear Faë what have you done now? Must you always cause so much trouble for the rest of us? I AM trying to get noticed by The Choosers, you know, and I cannot be seen talking to some known scoundrel who is always-" She stopped suddenly, noticing that I was still seated. I quickly jumped out of my chair and dusted my skirts off, leaning my right leg across my left and bending my knees, in the awkward position that was custom to be in whenever someone of higher stance was around. "Oh Faë, have you forgotten common rules? What am I to do with you? You should be more courteous around your elders." Elder by a summer, I thought bitterly, immediately chastising myself for thinking so poorly about Miss Amaweare. "Thank you, Mill Faë." I had to bite back my tongue. MILL Faë? How dare she address me as if she addressed a child? I had graduated from Mill to Miss when I had started my Bleeding, and that was when I was Of Ten Years, five summers ago. Amaweare walked towards me slowly, touching my forehead with her thumb, signaling that I could straighten my legs. I sighed as my weary joints groaned. Miss ray of sunshine opened her chatty mouth yet again. "And next time you bow, remember to extend your arms at your sides, elbows slightly bent and thumb an forefinger touching, like you are holding your skirt. 'Tis only proper." She smiled, pleased with herself. I rolled my eyes and stood patiently, waiting. "Oh and before you go to the Council, won't you come with me? I have found some new berries that are very good as dye and might give some color to that deathly pale hair of yours." Amaweare reached out and stroked my Snow White hair. I quickly jerked it back, using my eyes to try to bore holes in her skin. "You are not dying my hair, Amaweare. You've tried it before, dye does not adhere to it. It is too soft. I, for one, consider softness a desirable thing."

I pressed my lips together in an imitation of my companion.

"But it makes it a pain to style and-"

"And a wonder to stroke?" Interrupted a deep, warm voice from my doorway.

Glancing over, I smiled when I realized that it was Lai. "Nei Lai." Amaweare curtsied and I followed her, making sure to spread my arms out this time. "Miss Amaweare." He responded, bending his torso forward and keeping his back straight. When he came up, he turned to me, eyes twinkling, and nodded in my direction. "Miss Faë." I smiled, keeping my eyes on the ground. "Nei Lai." I responded, my voice barely above a whisper. Lai pressed the thumbs of each of his hands to our foreheads. I smiled blissfully as his skin met mine, warming it. It took me a moment to realize that I was still bowing. I quickly straightened up, brushing down my thick red velvet skirts, feeling a blush creep up my neck and onto my cheeks, tinting my pale skin. Lai was a beautiful man. His hair was a curly, light lavender, his eyes bright green. His skin was tan from the sun. He was currently wearing his Guard uniform: a long green jacket, embroidered in golden runes and stitch-work. His pants were a leathery brown. On his hip, he bore a scabbard, warn from years of battle. I knew his sword like the back of my hand, having watched him spar with his instructors dozens of times. I hadn't been watching Lai, I had been watching his sword, his movements. It was rare for a woman to become a Guard, but I wanted to. I had wanted to since I was a child, when I had been rescued by the old Guard Chief.

My village had been set on fire, raided by another tribe. The Summer Fae Guard was responsible for all of the smaller, outskirt villages where the refugees lived. So they came to protect it. There I was, a small 3 year old, huddling next to charred remains. Who those remains belonged to, I had no idea. All I knew, was that I had an immense hatred filling my heart, and I wanted revenge.

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