I Don't Need You || Akaashi Keiji

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It was weird how, when they started dating those two years ago, Akaashi thought they'd be invincible. He thought, with such a patient woman, there would be little trouble, little need for jealousy, little worry between them, but he soon found himself plagued by it all. Rai was steadfast and understanding of his job's demands but he always felt bad.

If it wasn't for his job, he would see her more. If it wasn't for those long hours, he'd have dinner with her every night. If it wasn't for the phone calls at every hour of the day, she'd have his undivided attention. She needed him to be there for her as her boyfriend and he always seemed to fall short.

Even now, as he walked up her door, as he was finally going to see her for the first time in three weeks, he felt like a disappointment.

She opened the door before he'd even finished his knock and pulled him inside with a wide smile.

"I made you dinner," she said, pulling him into a kiss as she leaned back to close the door. "And if you're a really good boy, you might get dessert."

"Stop being perfect," he whispered into her lips and was met with a soft slap to his waist.

"Don't say something like that until after you've tried the food. It was my first time attempting this dish. You may be disappointed," she teased.

Akaashi almost wished he could bottle the joy between them as they ate their first dinner together in practically a month. They talked about everything they could: from the story pitches he had heard that morning to the latest gaff Miya Atsumu made during an interview the night before.

There was contentment between them when they were together, but the more his girlfriend shot him that adoring smile, the quieter he got. He really didn't deserve her or, at least, she didn't deserve to be left alone so often.

He remained quiet as they lounged on her sofa - her laying with her back against his chest, between his legs, reading the news on her phone as he played with her long, raven hair.

Raí could feel his eyes on her as she scrolled and she paused a moment to close her eyes and take in the feel of his fingers on her scalp.

"Something's bothering you, Keiji," she hummed, the way she stated the words not leaving it as a question.

His hands stopped their movement briefly before returning to fiddling with her hair. He moved his head down to hers and placed a light kiss on it. "I'm just sorry," he mumbled.

"What for," she asked, moving her torso around so she could see him.

"For being so busy. For never being able to see you," Akaashi said softly, his eyes turned down. "I know you need me to be there for you more often. I've been a pretty terrible boyfriend."

Pushing herself up, Rai moved herself across the couch and faced her boyfriend completely.

"Don't blame yourself. I've been busy with work too," she responded. "And I'm happy to get to spend any time with you."

"But you shouldn't have to settle for small amounts of time. You shouldn't have to settle for only quiet nights in because there isn't enough time to plan a date," he replied, desperately. "You deserve so much more than that. So much more than me."

A weird look flashed across his girlfriend's face as he finished speaking and forced himself to raise his eyes to her. She almost looked ... angry?

"You honestly think you're not enough for me," she asked, barely below a shout. "You think I wouldn't walk away if the time we spent together wasn't enough?"

"No, that's not what..." he trailed off, trying to find the right words to frame the guilt he felt inside. She didn't give him a chance to finish.

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