chapter 1:

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I was really in the mood to write something but told myself a while ago that I wouldn't do multi-chapter fics anymore, since I almost never finish the ones I started. But you know what? Helen exists, which is amazing. She sent me prompts. And she called me bro. :D

That is why I thought about this and really want it to have three, maybe four chapters. It is for you Helen, I love you! <3

Prompts (they probably won't be part of the first chapter, just so you don't wonder since the story is based on those):

- "Is there a reason you're blushing like that?"

- "Please just kiss me already."

- "Are you flirting with me?" "You finally noticed?"

Have fun, lovely Omelias! I hope you enjoy this. :)

Chapter 1:

"And here we are!", Owen happily announced as he unlocked the door to their new tiny apartment. He had been moving a lot during the year, but something told him that this was the last time. "What do you think little man?", he asked the teeny tiny newborn in his arm before stepping to the side, so Amelia could enter their new home.

"Well, he is smiling. Seems like he loves it!", she grinned. "This one here will have to give his opinion tomorrow, though.", she smiled a little as she looked down at Leo resting his head on her shoulder and sleeping in her arms. "Are we really doing this?", she wondered.

"I know the last years have been rocky for us, but when Teddy cheated on me, I realized that she cannot be the one. It took her an assumption, to be fair it was a right one, to run back into Tom's arms...this just wasn't it.", the redhead sighed.

"I'm sorry, I know she seemed to be the woman of your dreams.", Amelia sympathized with her friend as she closed the door behind herself. She noticed his somehow disagreeing facial expression, which caused her to continue quickly: "I didn't think Link would not really accept my son if he wasn't his, so that was painful. But now that you and I are roommates, I think we can make this work."

"I will change Aiden into his pajamas.", Owen announced. "If you could bring Leo to bed before you go to sleep that would be amazing.", he smiled. "Good night!", he added. "Oh and Amelia...", he started when she was almost around the corner. "Thank you for allowing me to be in his life after everything we've been through...and also for letting me be part of yours again.", he bravely admitted, making the petite brunette smile once more.

"Good night, Owen.", she said and waved a little, careful to not wake up the toddler in her arms. She had given birth two days ago and was finally able to go home. Her family never left her side. Living with her sisters was amazing, but she didn't want them or her nieces and nephew to get disturbed by the cries of her son during the nights. And also, there was Owen. She wanted him to be in Aiden's life and Leo back in hers the way it used to be, so being roommates and living in an apartment as a family was the best idea.

"I don't know about you buddy, but I hope your mama and I try again sometime in the future. I am aware of the fact that she has feelings for Link, but that doesn't change mine for her. Teddy feared exactly that and I am really sorry for how things ended between us, but your mom is my soulmate and I know that now.", the trauma surgeon told his son, who started smiling a little. "I knew you would agree. I am so unbelievable grateful for you, your sister and brother, you have no idea!"

"Hey...uh...I've been meaning to ask how we want to do this...", Amelia shyly approached her and her son's room. "Sorry, I know we already said good night but I won't be able to sleep if this isn't planned through. Also, I have been sleeping almost all day again, which means I have quite a bit energy left for today and-"

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