Chapter 1: Gazebo

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If this gazebo could only speak,
it can tell you how our love story had started.



I had been pacing back and forth like God knows how many times while my right hand was on my chest. I could feel the intensity of my heart beat like it's gonna explode from my chest in any minute.

"For Pete's sake hyung, stop walking! You are making me dizzy!"

I stopped on my tracks as I looked at my best man.

"Sorry." I muttered.

"You are nervous, aren't you?" He said.

Yes. I mean no. I am just extremely freaking nervous!

"Yeah." I replied instead and wryly smiled.

"Don't be hyung. Relax okay?" He said trying to cheer me up.

Is he serious with that? Relax? As if I can ever do that on this very minute, on this very moment, on my wedding day. Yeah, I am getting married today.

I just nodded.

"Good. I'll leave you for a while hyung. I'll be back, dad wants to talk to me."

"You better be kid." I said as I watched him ran towards his father. No other than the President of Two Moon Academy, Sir Lee Dok Sin.

Few seconds after, my mind was again occupied by the thought of what ifs. What if she doesn't come? What if she realizes she doesn't love me? What if she doesn't want to spend her lifetime with me?

I think I am going insane with all this thoughts. I closed my eyes and heaved a sigh. I should not be thinking of such things. I have faith in her.

I guess the reason why I am so tense right now is because I haven't seen her ever since she arrived from London. Well, she just came back yesterday and now we are getting married. Amazing isn't it?

And how we were able to prepare for the wedding? I guess that would be possible if you have a mother who is so excited for his youngest son to get married. Oh, let me correct that. She was not actually excited but overwhelmingly excited.

When my fiancee stayed for a week here in Seoul then went back to London, my mom immediately planned for our wedding. From the the motif, food, venue, souvenirs, in short my mother became our wedding planner. That's how hands on she was. About my fiancee, it was no big deal with her. I guess she already knew my mom well ever since high school. She just can't say no to her. I remember how my mother dragged her for a shopping for our Acquaintance Night during our senior year.

If you will ask me, as a groom, what did I contributed for the wedding? I think I just told my mom that she should never forget that the bouquet of my bride should be her favorite flower, the calla lilies.

The preparation for the wedding was no joke. And I even remember what my mom told me that the wedding is  actually for the bride, that all girls have their own dream weddings and so it is important to make her special on her big day. But for me, I can make her every day, special. Geez, I'm getting cheezy. I smiled crazily to myself as I remember her smile.

"Looks like someone is excited." A voice whispered at my ear.

I looked at my side only to find Kai standing next to me as he smiled at me.

"Of course I am." I replied.

"Really? You are excited for the wedding or for what you are gonna be doing after the wedding?" He said as he mischievously grinned at me as his eyebrows repeatedly wiggled up and down.

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