Ariana looks at Y/n before turning a bright red. She has never seen a man like Y/n.

They continue to stare at each other before being interrupted by King Edward

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They continue to stare at each other before being interrupted by King Edward.

King Edward: Y/n you are probably hungry from your long travels come feast with us.

King Edward motions Y/n to follow him, his wife and Ariana. King Edward and Queen Joan walk infront of Y/n and Ariana.

Y/n: Hello Princess Ariana my name is Sir Y/FN Y/MN Y/LN but you can call me Y/n no need for titles.
Ariana: Hello Y/n I am Princess Ariana, but call me Ariana or Ari.

Y/n and the royals take a seat at the large dinner table. Food is soon brought out by a number of maids. Y/n has never seen such food before. He lets the royal family take food first before taking it himself.

King Edward: Y/n tell me about yourself.
Y/n: Well I was born on February 6th to (your father's name) and (your mother's name) ( A/N: Sorry I forgot the abbreviations for those). My father was a Nobel man and my mother was a dress maker. They lived a happy life before a fire tragically started in our home. It was in the middle of the day I was at my friends house playing when I saw smoke coming from the distance I ran to see my house burning down. I looked around for my father and mother but they were in the house. It's hard to lose your at the age of 11 but they are in a better place a more peaceful place. After that I lived in a orphanage, but a man saw the potential in me being a knight so he trained me. I soon fell in love with it. So from then on I've just been in battle defending our kingdom.
King Edward: Wow I do not know what to say but I do know your parents are proud of you.
Y/n: Thank you your highness.

Silence fell upon them, there was small talk here and there. They all got up.

King Edward: Y/n right now you will follow Ariana and protect her all your belongings are in your room.

Y/n nodded looking at Ariana to see her leaving. He quickly followed her into the kingdom gardens. Ariana takes a seat on one of the benches looking at the water.

Ariana: Y/n I am sorry about your parents.
Y/n: It is okay Ariana it was all in the past.
Ariana: So Y/n since we will be seeing each other a lot tell me things you like and dislike and I will do the same.
Y/n: Firstly I am 25 years old. I like battle, I like to write, draw and read, I love my horse Blaze I found him as a colt when I was 11 and raised him ever since. My favorite color is Cyan. I absolutely hate men who think women are objects, I don't like the heat I prefer it to be cold. Okay now your turn.
Ariana: I am also 25 years old. I like the color lavender I like the smell of flowers, I enjoy poetry, I love all 7 of my dogs and my pet pig. I love my friends. I love socializing. I hate people who copy others who try to be like them. I hate cats because I am allergic.

Y/n and Ariana continue to talk until sun down.

Ariana: Y/n I have just met you today but I feel a strong connection to you. It's like I've been longing for you.
Y/n: Ariana I do not know what to say but I have never met a women like you. Absolutely stunning, smart, funny, it's like I've been longing for you too.

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