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"I feel one thing. Regret," I sighed. "That bad?" Jess wondered. "I'm doing it for Rory and my resumé," I tried to see the bright side. "And no jumping out the window," Jess instructed me. "Fine," I muttered. "But I'm sneaking in your window."

He smiled at that. His cute crooked smile will be the death of me. "Wouldn't have it any other way."

He kissed my cheek and we walked down the road.


I felt mattress sinking rapidly as Mom jumped on top of me. "Last first day!" she cheered.

"You're crazy," I grumbled, still waking up. Rory came into my room looking groggy. "You too huh?"

I nodded. "But both of you are grown, you'll be taking on the world soon and this is for Heather."

I opened it up and then I gave Mom the death stare. "A bill?"

"Yeah, I got one too," Rory sighed. "I'll pay you ten bucks if you drown me in the shower," I said to Rory. "Me first," Rory sighed and I got out of bed.

"I need your help though," Mom whined. "Kirk asked me out."

"WHAT?!" me and Rory shrieked at the same time. "Aw," I cooed. "Kirk's going to be our new stepdad."

"EVIL!" Mom yelled. "We're moving."

"Just tell him you're not interested," Rory suggested.

I couldn't stop laughing. "You are evil," Mom grumbled as I went down the stairs. "I know," I sang, going down the stairs for breakfast.

"The ceremony is at three," Rory reminded Mom. "And Grandma is going to be there so be on your best behaviour."

"Ugh," Mom groaned.

Little did Mom know, we lied. It was at a quarter past three.


"Ready to go to the Dark Side?" Andrea asked me. "I didn't know what I was getting into," I mumbled.

"Under the iron fist of Paris," Andrea shuddered. "And the leader of the Puffs is going to be there."

"Francie?! Ew!" I grimaced.

Rory led Mom in and she sat down and put her purse on the seat. "You guys ready?" Rory asked me. "For death?" Andrea asked her.

Rory shot her a quick glare. Mom picked up her purse before Grandma arrived. "Of course," I smiled as I sat beside Rory.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Charleston addressed everyone. "I welcome you. Assemblies like this are always happy ones for me, initiating in a new group of school leaders, Chilton has always prided itself on the quality of the student government and this year, we have outdone ourselves. These young men and women up here represent the best and the brightest of what Chilton has to offer. Ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to present to you, your Student-Body Government of 2003."

Everyone started clapping and Rory stood up to make her speech. Then Paris made hers and we all stood up and made the pledge.

"You were great sis," I gave her a quick hug once it was over. "Now the true torture starts tomorrow, I owe you everything," Rory told me.

Then the next day came and Paris...well she was really cracking the whip. "Look, let's face it," she said to us. "The last administration might as well been running around yelling out toga for everything they've accomplished..."

Me and Andrea were just staring longingly at the donuts and coffee. "But this year, everything changes," she continued. "Starting with the library, which is completely out of proportion with its subjects, there are five hundred volumes on the French Revolution, yet only three on the Crusades. How do they expect us to get a decent education with inferior resources?"

Touch of Hellfire (Original Version)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant