Shirley🥕and Di💙

Di💙: hey anne

Shirley🥕:  hi

Di💙: i'm sorry that i left you to sit with Gilbert yesterday

Di💙: i hope that you didn't take it the wrong way

Shirley🥕: it's fine, don't worry, i know you didn't mean for it to end up like that

Di💙OH GOD, THANK YOU, i was worried you wouldn't forgive me

Shirley🥕: i was worried you wouldn't forgive me for calling you traitor... i thought you were mad at me since you didn't even glance in my direction during lunch

Di💙: i wouldn't be able to live one day being mad at you

Di💙: you know, gil seemed upset during lunch, kinda in a bad mood... i was thinking that maybe you could talk to him??? :)

Shirley🥕: he is the one who was staring, why do i have to talk to him?

Di💙: i think your reaction was a BIT harsh... and then when he said he was the guilty one you shouted at him for getting you in detention... he was making a sacrifice and i think you were kind of rude because you were angry at me... just tell him u r sorry, u can lie if it's necessary, it'll make him feel better

Shirley🥕: no way, di, he got me into detention

Di💙: please, do it for me, he's my friend

Shirley🥕: god

Shirley🥕: this is killing me... but i would die for u

Shirley🥕: so FINE.

Di💙: wow, i didn't expect that to go so smoothly 

Shirley🥕: for the record, i'm just doing it for you, not for him

Di💙: THANK U <3 ily

Shirley🥕: ugh, I hate that I love you enough to do this

Shirley🥕 and  Blythe🤬

Shirley🥕: hi


Shirley🥕: how r u?

Blythe🤬:  this is suspicious

Shirley🥕: fine, I have to talk to you

Blythe🤬: ???

Shirley🥕: ig i'm sorry about yesterday, during maths

Blythe🤬:  that is a very kind guess

Blythe🤬: and dw

Shirley🥕: we were having a great day and I ruined it

Blythe🤬: hey, it's okay

Shirley🥕: no, it's not okay, i was angry at Diana and I took it out on you and you didn't deserve it

Blythe🤬: shirley

Blythe🤬: it



Blythe🤬:  Actually, I owe you an apology too

Shirley🥕: no, you don't

Blythe🤬: yes I do, I was staring and that is rude

Shirley🥕: but I was the one that shouted

Blythe🤬: but I didn't let you concentrate

Shirley🥕: but it was my fault that we ended up in detention

Blythe🤬: can we not argue for once?

Shirley🥕: can you stop contradicting me?

Shirley🥕the point is, I'm sorry

Blythe🤬: it's water under the bridge

Shirley🥕: anyway...

Blythe🤬: anyway...

Shirley🥕: friends?

Blythe🤬: F-R-I-E-N-D-S

Shirley🥕: i see u haven't lost your gift at spelling bees

Shirley🥕: and i'm glad we are officially friends, slate-face

Blythe🤬: not on first name terms yet, carrots?

Shirley🥕: you wish, blythe

Blythe🤬: It was worth the shot

Blythe🤬: gotta go, see you tomorrow shirley

Shirley🥕: see you tomorrow

They both locked their phones with a smile, closing their eyes as they wondered how it must feel to not be in a constant war against each other. "Friends... let's see how that works out."

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