Chapter 2

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The Journey zena and fairy xin begin. They start their adventure to meet Queen of Cenxia at the City.

Along the Journey to city of Cenxia, both of them meet very interesting creature that become friend with zena and fairy xin.after long walk into forest,Its almost night and zena and fairy xin stop beside river and rest until tomorrow..zena and xin talks for a while.

Zena: hey xin, why we need to meet Queen?

Xin answer: because Queen need our help to save Cenxia from evil witch but you need to learn first.Queen will talk to you later.sleep zena,early morning we need to go.

they sleep until morning........

It morning, Zena wake up and wash her face and xin find some food for zena eat.Then they continue walk until they meet the City of Cenxia, it inside Elves Forest.

Zena and Xin continue their journey to meet Queen inside castle. Queen introduce herself to zena,

My name is xerafera, Queen of cenxia. Welcome to cenxia my dear zena. I will explain to you why i bring you to this world. For now, have a good rest and fairy xin will bring you to your room. we will meet this evening.

LATER IN THE EVENING.......................

Zena and fairy xin ready to meet queen xerafera....

Queen : Zena, welcome once again to cenxia, city of magic. Today i will explain to you why i bring you to this world. Maybe you don't no but your mom and dad is student in academy magic of cenxia. Their are one of my friend that top ten most powerful in this world. Their are  one of wizard that lock the evil witch but now she is free again become of some mistake of elder. So now, we need you to learn in academy of magic so that can help us to lock the evil witch again.

Zena: So, i need to stay here and cannot back to earth again?

Queen: yes, you need to stay here but not in castle, in dorm at academy of magic.

Zena: i don't have money to pay all this.

Queen: i will help you, don't worry dear. so tomorrow fairy xin will help you to buy all thing that you need.

Zena: thank you for bring me here because at the earth, i must be dead now because of my sickness. 

Queen: i know dear, For now. rest well and enjoy yourself tomorrow .

zena and fairy xin rest at their room...................

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