Fred x reader

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You look at your watch reading 7:06 pm and sigh. You've spent half an hour waiting at this random malt shop waiting for your date to show up. You dip a fry in your strawberry milkshake and pop it in your mouth when you hear a faint ring and look up, seeing four people and a dog walk in. One of the people, in particular, pops out. Bright yellow hair, black eyes, and a bright red ascot. 'Gorgeous' you think to yourself. You smirk and finish the last bit of your milkshake. Standing, you tighten your ponytail and walk over to the group. You tap the mysterious blonde on the shoulder. 

"Hello..." You say seductively.

"Hi, there!" His deep voice hung in the air and you feel goosebumps spread over your body. 

All of his friends looked at you confused. "Do you know her?" A girl with red hair and a purple dress questions. 

"Oh no!" You say smiling "But I hope we could get to know each other!" You say cheerfully.

"That would be great..." He pauses for a moment asking for your name.


"Y/N" He repeats. "Pretty"

"Yeah... pretty ugly!" The girl with red hair responds. 'She must be his girlfriend... NOT FOR LONG' You think to yourself smiling. 

"What's your name?" I ask the blonde. 

"I'm Fred, this is Velma, Shaggy, Scoob, and Daphne," He gestures to all of his friends.

"Nice to meet you all! Say, does anyone want some drinks?" Daphne and Shaggy both accept your offer. You go to the cashier and ask for a vanilla and a chocolate shake. You get your wallet and flip to the secret compartment that contains a small pill. Once you are handed the shakes, you crack the pill open over the vanilla shake, spilling the contents into it. You smile devilishly and carry the shakes to the small group. "Here you go!" You smile handing Shaggy the chocolate shake and Daphne the vanilla. She takes a small sip and her eyes widen. White foam begins to spew from her mouth and she is seizing. She falls to the floor and stops moving. 

"dApHNE???" Fred says, confused. 

"Oh nO! DaPhNE!!" You fake.

No one really cares that she died.

1 year later

You have taken Daphne's place in the Scooby Gang, the queen. You and Fred have a toxic relationship and y'all are on and off sometimes. Scooby and Shaggy have also married, becoming the first gay, human x dog husbands. Velma is now a famous prostitute, living with Snoop Dog in a big ass mansion. Daphne is still rotting in that random malt shop.

You all live happily ever after. 

the end

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